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( I will explain this later, in Mitch's POV. It's his henna design he draws but it has a meaning later on. )

Scott's POV
I can't believe it. He really as Mitchie. And he's gone hurt him. I was gonna chase down his car but Avi would kill me. "Avi!" I yelled, slamming the front door. Avi came down immediately, "What is it Scooter? Who was at the door?" He questioned.

"It was Alex, I was right. He has Mitchie, he turned him into a little. I don't know what to do, I love Mitch too much. He's gonna use him, Mitch is too innocent. He's not gonna enjoy it if Alex uses him, I can feel him. Ugh! I punched him in the face and he said I made things worse. He said he did it because he wanted me to know how he felt when I let him leave. He was gonna give Mitch back but that changed. I don't know what to do. I love Mitch so much. Alex has been watching all of us, like he planned this to happen." I breathed out.

Avi sat in a chair and thought for a second. "Maybe he did. He knew that Mitch is too shy and innocent, and Alex kind of looks like you so he made it seem that he would protect Mitch like you did before it all happened. So with him watching us, his plan might've worked even better. Maybe he was just gonna kidnap Mitch."

"Yea, you're probably right. I want to do whatever his takes to get him back. I know you hate me right now but please Avi, don't make him wait for my trust. I love him too much. He's amazing, he's nothing like Alex. I would be in a worse condition if it wasn't for Mitch taking care of me. Even Alex knows-. Wait. Alex might be using Mitch to get to his parents. But for what reason? I don't know, I think his parents might be dead. But I'm not gonna worry about it. Just please Avi." I begged.

Avi looked at me and sighed "Okay fine, we will see how it goes. I will try to get Mitchie this weekend. I will have Kevin and Todrick track him down to Alex's house. It's gonna take a while, but once we find it I'm gonna call the council and Mitch will come here okay?" I nodded and hugged him tightly. "Thanks Avi, sorry I'm a pain." I whispered. He sighed and hugged back "Scott, I know the smell of heat is unbearable, especially when it's gets stronger. But I forgive you, I know you were only doing it to help. And I don't think you want to do it again, it's just the affect of the smell. And I know you love Mitch, I can see it every time you look at him. I know you messed up but we'll make it through it, I promise. I'll go get Kevin and Todrick on it right now Scooter." I nodded in his chest and he let go, going upstairs to Kevin's room.

Alex's POV

I woke up with a massive headache, I groaned and stretched. I hit a body, I rolled over and saw Mitch asleep with his thumb in his mouth. I slowly got up and saw I was in the living room. I checked the TV clock, 9:56 am. I stretched and picked up Mitch, taking him to his room. I tucked him in and kissed his forehead. I went back downstairs and made some Cinnamon and Spice oatmeal. I set the oatmeal in his bowl and set the table.

I went back upstairs and take a quick shower, letting the hot water run down my body. I quickly got out ad changed into some skinny jeans, a light blue shirt and some converse. I went back to Mitch's room and saw him changing into some skinny jeans, a striped crop top and a black beanie. I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "You look so adorable baby boy." I whispered in his ear. "Thank you daddy." He said blushing.

"Come on baby boy, I made some breakfast. You need to eat baby boy." He nodded and went downstairs, I followed. We ate breakfast in a comfortable silence. I took our bowls when we were finished and he stood beside me. "Daddy, can I draw on my arm. I wanna make my own kind of tattoo, I know how. Please Daddy?" I smiled at the name. "Of course baby, if you make a mess just clean it up." He nodded and skipped upstairs.

A couple hours later he we still upstairs. I had fell asleep watching TV. I stretched and went upstairs and knocked on his door. "Baby boy?" I questioned as I answered his door. He was spraying his painted arm. "I finished daddy." He smiled, showing me his arm. (Pic above). "The paint is called tenna." He said smiling. I chuckled lightly. "It's called henna baby boy." He smiled and played with his stuffed animals. My phone vibrated notifying me of a text/call. The caller ID was private but hung up. Then I got a text.

We know you have an Omega by the name of Mitchell Grassi. If you do not return him soon you will be charged by the council.

Oh boy. Here we go.

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