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Mitch's POV (about time ik XD)

Scottie is slowly healing. His Alpha genes aren't as strong as they should be. But on a goof note, I'm very comfortable around him. I have never felt the way I do with hi.  He's different. Every time we kiss my heart melts.

I put him to sleep decided to make him some dinner. I make my famous triple stack cheeseburgers and home fries. For dessert I make some Mocha milkshakes. I put Kevin, Kirstie and Avi's food on the plate and go to their rooms and give it to them. I go to Kirstie thanks me, Avi is asleep. I went to Kevin's room and knocked on his door. There was no answer so I went in assuming he was asleep. I went in to see and his friend I think kissing on top of each other like Scott and I do. I cleared my throat and they looked at me blushing. "I made dinner for you guys." I say with a smile before I leave.

I went into our room and saw Scott asleep. I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Scottie." I whispered lightly shaking him. "It's time to get up babe. You gotta eat dinner." He slowly gets up and smiles at me. "Awe thank you." He says as he eats. "This is really good. The burgers are on point and the milkshake is bomb." He says. I feel myself blush and I look away. "So." He says with a smirk. "Where's my dessert?" I roll my eyes playfully. "You already had the milkshake cause they bring all the boys to the yard." I say sassily.

He laughs and pulls me on to his lap. He kisses my neck, causing me to shiver. "I'm talking about my actual dessert." He says as he places kisses on my jaw. I roll my eyes and peck his lips softly but he pulls me back. I chuckle and kiss him, releasing all the passion and lust I have for him. This boy drives me crazy but I care for him so much, yea I'm a shy Omega but I'm working on it. He finally pulls always and I peck his lips one last time before getting up, but he grabs my arm.

"Nooo, stay and cuddle please?" He whines.

I sigh dramatically and give in. "Fine, but after I clean the house."

He shakes his head. "No, you aren't the maid, everyone has to chip in sometimes. No ifs ands or buts. Now come here, I wanna snuggle with my little baby." I feel myself blush hard and I crawl into his lap.

"You're the cutest thing ever you know that right?" He questions, poking my dimples.

"I'm slowly learning." I state.

"Good because my little baby is beautiful and very ticklish." He says smirking.

I gasp and hit his shoulder playfully. "Am not!" He raises an eyebrow (if you say what eyebrow so help me.) And grabs my sides tickling them, I squeal and try to get out of his grip but he just tickles me harder. He pulls my shirt off and blows on my stomach causing me to laugh harder.

"You have some sweet tattoos." He says tracing my Flying Dutchman tattoo. "Thanks babe!" I say as I kiss his jaw. He scoffs and shakes his head. "This king demands a proper kiss or you will be tickled by the fingers of tickling." I roll my eyes. "Oh drag me." I say sassily as he laughs. "I like this little sass coming from you. It's cute."

"Well I am cute." I say. He chuckles and kisses my nose.

"Yes you are my cute little baby."

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