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This guy is hilarious yet amazing.
Anywhoo sorry I am posting so late. But yea, enjoy.

We finally arrived at the hotel  few hours and a couple short stops later.

I took our bags to our room feeling slightly uncomfortable as the woman at the front desk was checking me out.

I unlocked the door and looked around the room.

"He got us a suite. Typical Kurvy." I chuckled to myself.

I set the bags down as Mitch quietly followed.

I set my clothes out for today and set my toiletries in the bathroom, trying to avoid the tension.

I sat on the bed and pulled my laptop out,scrolling through rings.

I finally found the perfect one and ordered it premium so it would come here within a day or two.

Mitch was sitting at the edge of the bed, fiddling with his fingers.

"Baby, come here." I said as I held out my arms.

He quickly crawled into my lap,inhaling my scent.

"You alright Darling?" I whispered, peppering kisses on his forehead.

He gave a silent nod in response before closing his eyes.

I rubbed his back as he sniffled slightly.

"I know I shouldn't push it since we're finally talking but, what did you and Avi do last night?" I questioned, looking away.

He shifted and his gaze went from me to the floor.

"Alpha said I'm not supposed to say anything but he made those noises himself, he was thinking of a way to make you more upset so he jacked off and kept bumping into the headboard. He made me watch as a punishment." He said softly.


I nodded in response, pulling him closer.

"I love you Mitchie, never forget that." I whispered in his hair.

He nodded and his grip tightened as he sniffled.

"Shit!" I screamed.

He jumped off of me and moved away.

"I'm sorry Sweetheart, I forgot about my arm." I state.

He nods and sets his head in my lap.

"I'm sorry, I have to take care of you now. " he says pouting.

"Don't pout." I say frowning.

He looks at me with a deeper pout,sniffling.

I squint and tickle his sides as he tries to keep his pout.

He laughs in defeat as I hover over him, my fingers dancing along his sides.

I press my lips on his and he interacts instantly,wrapping his hand in mine.

"I love you Kissyboy." I whisper in his ear.

"Love you too." He mutters.

I hop off of him and go on my phone and receive a message.

Thatonespecialring.com :Hello Scott Hoying, your delivery will arrive at your location in 15 hours! We hope you enjoy!

I place my phone down and pull him into my lap.

Will he say yes?

Alpha?(Scomiche/Pentatonix)Where stories live. Discover now