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Warning! Contains smut! If you do not like smut, that's okay you don't have to read. I will say when smut is over. That is all. :)

Avi came in and asked me to meet him in the kitchen, I agreed and followed him. "The council called and I have to go for surveillance watch and fitness. I don't know why but I have to. I don't know how long I will be gone so you are in charge. I'm worried about Kit because she's supposed to have her heat today or tomorrow, but we agreed she will do it alone. I gotta go, text me if you need anything." He said sternly. "Mitch!" He yelled. Mitch came down quickly and stood by me. "I gotta go to the council for a bit, be good and I will have something for you." He nodded and Avi kissed his forehead causing him to laugh and me to growl. He rolled his eyes and left.

I pulled Mitch in my arms and kissed Avis scent away. "I gotta go get ready. Kev and Toddy are taking Mia and I to the park." He said trying to get out if my grip."Nope." I said pulling him closer, he looked at me and pouted. "Why not?" He questioned. "You didn't give me a kiss, so you can't go unless you do." I said smirking. He rolled his eyes and smirked. "I guess I won't be going." Two can play this game. "Welp. I guess I gotta do this." I said lifting his shirt slightly. "Do wh-" he laughed loudly as I blew on his stomach. "Okay, okay fine." I put his shirt down and he pecked my lips. "Better?" He asked smirking. "Now I'm better. Go get ready" I said letting go. He went behind me and I smacked his butt, he squealed and rushed upstairs.

Moments later he came back down with Mia. Kev and Toddy got in the car and Mitch gave me a hug. "Bye Scottie." He mumbled. "Bye baby, I love you." I replied kissing his forehead. "Love you too." He screamed running out the house. I chuckled and flopped on the couch, flopping through the channels. Kirstie came and sat next to me.

(SMUT)I wrapped my arm around her, I instantly smelled heat. She whined and placed her lips on mine.  I moved and she came closer. "No, you agreed to do it alone." I said, the smell got stronger and I felt my jeans tighten. She noticed and crawled on my lap, pulling out a condom. "Wanna help me?" She whispered in my ear. I growled and smashed my lips on hers, tugging her shirt off. Clothes flew everywhere and I was more than ready. I kissed her thighs and she moaned sending chills down my spine. "Scott I need you now please." She whined. I lined myself up but pushed me down and slid on top of me. "Impatient are we?" I said chuckling. She didn't respond and adjusted herself. She gasped as I hit her spot. I grabbed her thighs and went at a faster pace. Moans filled the room as we released.(SMUT OVER)

"Tell nobody alright?" She nodded and we grabbed our stuff and went upstairs. I hopped in the shower and cleaned myself up.
Did I cheat on Mitch? No, I helped Kirstie, but Avi said no. But Mitch loves you and cares for everyone. Ugh!
I got out and quickly changed. I set my clothes in the basket and saw Mitch drawing another symbol. He was singing quietly to himself but I saw tears falling from his eyes.

Gott auf Hoch

Höre mein Gebet

In meinem Bedarf

Du warst immer da

Er ist jung

Er hat Angst

Laß ihn ruhen

Der Himmel gesegnet

Bringe ihn nach Hause

Bringe ihn nach Hause

I sat next to him and pulled him in my lap. He tensed up but relaxed at my scent. "Hi Kirstie." He mumbled. I mentally slapped myself. "It's Scott." I said quietly. He looked at me and smiled"Sorry Alpha, you just smell like Kirstie so I got confused." I pulled him closer and set my chin on his shoulder. "Are you alright Mitchie? You were crying when you were singing." I questioned.

He sniffled and nodded. "Yea it's just-I miss my mom and dad. That was a song they used to sing." I rubbed his back as he sighed. "Will you sing it to me so I understand it." I asked, he nodded and I held his hand.

God on high
Hear my prayer
In my need
You have always been there

He is young
He's afraid
Let him rest
Heaven blessed.
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.

He's like the son I might have known
If God had granted me a son.
The summers die
One by one
How soon they fly
On and on
And I am old
And will be gone.

Bring him peace
Bring him joy
He is young
He is only a boy

You can take
You can give
Let him be
Let him live
If I die, let me die
Let him live
Bring him home
Bring him home
Bring him home.

Mitch had tears in his eyes and so did I. I tried to keep but tears. After all the pain and suffering he's been through he still keeps a smile on his fave. He's the most caring person I've ever met. And I basically broke his heart by sleeping with Kirstie. The thing that bugged me was I wanted to do it again. Mitch turned to me and wiped my tears, wrapping his arms around me.

I cried in his shoulder, he comforted me not knowing how much pain I caused him. "It's okay Scottie, we'll fine them one day." He whispered. My heart shattered. "Mitchie, I don't think we can be together anymore, I slept with Kirstin to help her with her heat but I want to do it again, even though Avi told me not to." His face got pale, I could hear his heart shatter. I sat him on the floor and went to the bathroom and cried. I finally pulled myself and came back but Mitch was gone but his necklace was on the floor.

I ran downstairs almost falling but I didn't care. "Mitch ran away! I messed up big time. God this is Alex all over again. I slept with Kirstie to help her heat, even though Avi said no. I wanted to do it again and Mitch thought I was Kirstie by the scent. I asked Mitch to translate the language on his drawing. So he did and he was crying because his parents used to sing it to him. I told him what happened with Kirstie and that we couldn't be together and he got pale and I went to the bathroom and cried. Then I came out and he was gone, but the necklace I gave him was on the floor." I yelled pacing. Kevin and Todrick were speechless. "You what?!" I heard a dee voice say.

Avi, oh shit!

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