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"I want it now! Is it so hard to get that damn blood?"

"I-I'm sorry Ma'am, b-but S-Scott is always with M-Mitch."

"Quit your stuttering before I lock you up and have Alex take care of you. I want that blood and I want it soon. Bring me him alive for all I care, this task needs to be complete. For I will rule this earth again, and my father's destiny will be complete."

"I'll try my best."

"You're best isn't good enough peasant! I want the whole Pentatonix pack watched, and I want him dead or alive if its the last thing you do."

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, maybe I won't hurt you just yet. If you listen you can be my faithful servant to this throne."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now, onward with this Omega. I want you to remind him of his past so every second he blinks, he's shaking in fear. I want him ruthless,scared,hopeless. That omega doesn't know what hit him l, as long as I have his mother I'll be alright. Her stupid blood won't work since her husband ran off with it."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Matter of fact, bring her in here."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Hurry before I get the whip!"


"Here she is your majesty!"

"Thank you, off you go peasant."

"Yes ma'am."

"Well, well, well if it isn't sheyonce."

"It's Beyonce but it's Queen Bee to you. What do you want from me? I have done nothing to you."

"I want your son, and I want him now! I want you to return to him and capture him and bring him to me. Then so on and so forth."

"I can't do that to my baby."

"Either he dies or the whole world suffers. Huh, who am I kidding the world is gonna suffer anyway. If you won't cooperate find me someone who will!"


"That's it, you're going with Alex."

"Okay! Alright. I know someone gullible enough to do it. Just please!"

"Awe, begging for mercy how cute. Who is it?"

"Kevin Olusola."

"Perfect, that lonely Beta might need some company!"

"He's with Todrick. I do-"


"Yes ma'am."

"Perfect, just perfect."


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