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Kirstie had come downstairs to where Scott was, watching him silently.

She finally made herself noticed by bending down in the super short skirt she had on.

Scott looked at her,intrigued at the outfit she had on yet confused at why she was acting like this.

She came closer to him and searched his body quickly, licking her lips.

She moved her face closer to his, lips centimeters apart.

Then Scott noticed it.

Her eyes were the same colors as Mitch's were the day he was 'sick'.

He got lost in her eyes as she whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

He forgot all about his problems and his worries as he got lost in her scent and her eyes.

He didn't noticed but his eyes darkened as he got lost in her trance.

His eyes filled with lust and hunger as she got up to leave,swaying her hips causing him to growl.

She felt his anger and smirked,bending down another time causing him to pin her to the ground as he attacked her neck.

She gasped in pleasure as she smirked, her plan succeeding.

He ripped off her shirt, placing small kissing on her chest as he made his way down.

Moans filled the room as he thrusted into her like there was no tomorrow.

He pulled out and placed his mouth over her area, licking and sucking everything his tongue could touch.

Kirstin tugged at his hair as he made her weak, screaming his name.

She gave one last high pitched scream as she released into his mouth.

He licked her clean and tugged at his hair as his eyes went back to their normal blue,hers doing the same with her eye color.

She gave a small cry out but Scott growled at her to leave him alone.

She stumbled,tripping over air but looked at him one last time before  leaving.

Scott tugged at his hair and punched the wall as he realized what had happened.

He was slept with Kirstie

But she wasn't in heat.

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