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I have a question at the end.


Avi had woken up from a well needed nap, ready to tackle another round of Mitch's heat.

He rolled onto his side but notice Mitch was not with him.

He sniffed all around the house,looking for any trace of him.

He found nothing but a clean house.

He growled in frustration, seconds later Kevin came downstairs to 'comfort' his Lead Alpha.

Kevin and Avi sat for a few minutes chatting before Kevin took a deep inhale of Avi's scent.

A smirk tugged at his lips as his eyes darkened, Tori's voice filling his head of the plan he needed to succeed.

Avi felt quite uncomfortable around Kevin but he didn't question why.

Kevin took the opportunity of silence to take the opportunity and bring our his dagger, forcing it against Avi's neck.

Avi struggled against his grip as he tried to breathe,pleading for mercy.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Poor Avriel, this is gonna happen now or later. (Love that song) He laughed as Avi shivered in fear. His laugh wasn't that usual laugh that makes everyone weak with laughter.

It was pure evil and disgust.

"Now be prepared Avriel, to join me and the rest of the world in harmony as we will unite against the Grassi Clan and take over the world once and for all." Kevin roared in a deep voice.

Avi's eye's darkened as he listened to Kevin's words.

A smirk grew on his face as he let Kevin's 'voice' take over his mind.

Kevin and Avi howled with laughter, Todrick came down joining the festival of revenge.

Everything was about change.


Mitch paced in his bedroom as he tried to relax his mind.

He laid himself on the bed as he found his comfort zone.

He controlled his brain to focus on Scott.

He could see him.

He was sitting in a corner, tugging at his hair and crying.

Mitch deepened his concentration Scott, sending him a message.

Scott, it's Mitchie. I'm sending you a message through my mind. Yea I know weird but I'm gonna find you I promise. I'm coming for you soon.

Scott looked around frantically, thinking he's losing his mind.

"Mitchie?" He whispered.

"You're really in my mind?"

Yes Scott. I promise I'm gonna find you soon. Stay strong for me, I love you so so much.

"I love you too Mitchie." Scott whispered as they both clutched onto their necklaces.

Mitch? Mitchell Grassi? Please answer me! You have to hurry and help me. We need you, you have to protect us and your Pack before Tori takes over. You have the power!

A shallow voice spoke in his mind.

He contemplated on who the voice was.

It was a simple yet silky voice he's heard numerous times.

Who is this? He questioned.

It grew silent for a few seconds before he got a response.

It's your mother Mitchie, I'm alive.

Please help.

Okay my questions are should one day I sing karaoke at a cafe or something? And should I post a recent picture even though I'm a potato?😘

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