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I couldn't do that to you guys and end it!

I woke up from a nap to this a couple days ago.

And I just wanted to say thank you guys so much! They were all positive!

Anywayyy enjoy!


3rd Person's POV

It's been a couple days since Scott was taken.

Avi and Kevin were watching TV when they got the call from Mitch.

Luckily Mitch snuck away from Kirstie and Tori and ran back to his hotel,knowing he wasn't strong enough to fight.

Kevin and Avi started their journey down to the hotel as Mitch tried to figure out a plan since it was taking them so long.

Avi saw this as a chance to name Mitch his own Omega since Kirstie was gone.

He had only thought of it for pleasure, but also to see Scott suffer with his over protectiveness.

Mitch couldn't take anymore of the pacing he had done and used his senses and his mind to find Scott.

And that he did

He found Scott with his mind,using the necklace he had gotten from Scott as a promise to protect him.

And he was going to do the same for him.

Scott was exactly 226 miles away, it would take 18hrs,33 mins on a bike, and 2 days and 18 hrs to walk. But only three hours by a car.

Scott has the keys.

He shook his head and packed his bag.

He slung his bag over his shoulder and began his journey when he got a phone call.

"Hello?" He questioned as he answered.

"Mitch." Kevin's soft voice rang through the phone.

"We are about to pull up at the hotel, I know you can sense Scott and don't lie to me and tell me you can't because I know you. But we have to bring you back, for your own safety. Your heat is soon and we need you away from Tori and her crew. She's trying to create a war against the whole world. And she won't stop until she has you. We will find him I promise you, a Beta like me would never lie."

Mitch thought for a moment.

Should he wait for Kevin?

Or going out on his own and risking his life for the one he loves most?

"Alright,I'll stay." Mitch finally decided.

"Good." Kevin spoke.

"We are here, come on down. I'll help you get your stuff."

Mitch nodded even though Kevin couldn't see him and hung up,heading downstairs.

Kevin grabbed the bags and set them in the trunk,Mitch following quietly.

Mitch fell asleep slowly on the way back as his worries about Scott slowly faded and increased.

Kevin looked back in the mirror and watched his sleeping form.

His eyes grew dark as a smirk tugged on his lips.

"We've finally got him." He whispered,chuckling.

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