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She sat on the ground and waited.


That's all she's been doing.

She sent him messages,knowing he would get them.

Was he ignoring her on purpose.

She sighed,contemplating if she should risk her life against Tori for her son.

He needed to know.

Every little secret that has been passed down from generations.

He needed to know his abilities.

But most of all he needed to know his family.

And what they went through.

She sat on floor by the door as she waited for the lights to go off.

She set the prototype of her on her bed tucking it into the covers.

She powered it up and it sat up straight, looking around.

Remember the plan,stay quiet for the rest of the night. Do as they say in the morning, I should be back soon.

The prototype nodded and presented to zip her lips.

Beyonce aka Queen nodded and crossed her legs as she meditated.

She finally found peace and relaxation as she transformed.

She quickly broke the lock on the door and slipped out into the cool hallway

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She quickly broke the lock on the door and slipped out into the cool hallway.

She ran out into the chilly night,searching for her son.

She was heading down the trail when she heard a low growl from behind.

She turned and saw a familiar figure, someone she thought was dead and gone since the previous meeting.


What happened?

Miranda, aka Miranda Sings was a close friend of Beyonce and the Carter-Grassi family.

It was all sunshine and rainbows until that night.

Beyonce had gone out for dinner with friends while Miranda had agreed to babysit Mitch.

He was only two years old at the time, but he was still his sassy and fcute self.

Miranda was watching TV when she got a text message from Tori.

Master: Remember the plan,do it now or else. I'm watching and waiting.

                                     Horrid Dreams

Miranda sighed and went to the kitchen,grabbing the sharpest knife she could find.

She looked out the window and saw Tori's eyes glowing, Miranda's eyes quickly changed as a smirk spread across her face.

She went to Mitch's room to see him peacefully sleeping.

She placed the knife by his neck and was about to slice to his throat.

"MIRANDA WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Beyonce yelled,grabbing her child.

Amanda's smirk turned into a low growled as she lunged towards her but Beyonce was too quick.

The Queen grabbed The Book and began chanting.

Miranda was lifted into the air and a dark spirit came out of her body

The figure turned to her and smirked.

Connor Franta

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