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(Please don't hate me. Ahahahahahaha *coughs* okay I'm done. ;) )

Mitch's POV
I can't believe he cheated on me.

He loves you go back.
You shouldn't have let your guard down
Never trust an alpha.

But he loves me.

The battle of he loves me, he loves me no went on in my mind. I gave him back his necklace and did the only thing I could do. Run. I ran out of there, and I don't plan on turning back. I walked the streets and I started to get hungry, then I remembered I had a sandwich in my bag from earlier. I finished it quickly and kept walking, humming to myself. I kept walking when someone bumped into me.

"I'm so sorry!" We both said at the same time and laughed.

He had nice skin and beautiful eyes. "Are you okay?" He questioned.

"I'm alright, sorry about that. How are you?" I replied.

He gave me a small smile before speaking. "I'm fine, you don't have to apologize. What's a cute little Omega like you doing out here alone?"

I blushed and looked away. "I don't really know Sir." He lifted my chin and made me look at him. "It's alright doll, you have a cute blush don't be scared." His eyes looked above me and then looked back at me with worry.

"You are in danger little one, someone is following you. I'm gonna pretend to knock you out and I will take you to my place okay?"

I nodded quickly, he punched my face softly but made it look like he put force into he. I fell on the ground, he picked me up and walked me to his car. He buckled me in and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry cutie, I'll take care of you for a while. I'll be your Daddy little one."  I nodded and he closed the door and got in the front seat. He drove at a normal speed and pulled into a garage. He got me out and set me on his hip.

"Come on baby boy, I'll show you where you will be staying for a little while until the bad man is gone." I nodded and set my head on his chest. This guy seemed strange by saying he would be my daddy, but his words were comforting and I did need a place to stay for a while. He walked up the steps and entered a light pink room, it had a fluffy bed with stuffed animals and baby stuff. I was confused but left it alone.He set me on the bed and grabbed a stuffed animal.

"Since you are my baby boy, I am going to treat you like one. You will call me daddy and you will act like a baby. Okay?" He said nicely.

"Okay Daddy." I replied. He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Okay little one, I'm gonna run you a bath and we can change your clothes is that okay?" I nodded my head and he went in this bathroom. This is weird. Why would I be a baby? At least I get a bath, I am dirty. My thoughts were interrupted my him lifting me up. "Arms up high baby boy." He said. I lifted my arms up and he took my shirt off, I shivered wrapped my arms around myself. "You're so beautiful baby boy." He whispered, kissing my chest. I blushed and hid my face. "Thank you daddy." He chuckled and took the rest of my clothes off. We went to the bathroom and he took his clothes off too. We hopped in the bath and played with the bubbles. He grabbed my sides, tickling them. I squealed and moved away. "Daddy that tickles." He laughed and moves his arms away, kissing my cheek and bottom lip. "You are so beautiful baby, I wish I could show you." He whispered. What did he mean? He said I'm beautiful, doesn't that count? "How would you show me?" I questioned quietly. He chuckled and kissed my lips, his lips were soft and he tasted like cookie dough. He turned me his way and I kissed back,wrapping my arms around him. Just do what he's doing and take it like a good boy so you won't get punished. He lifted me up and carried me to his bedroom ,our lips still together. We flopped on his bed, his fingers rubbed my legs and I could feel him against me. Oh boy.
Scott's POV
"HE'S WITH WHO!?" Avi shouted. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair. "I'm sorry Avi, I didn't think this would happen." I shouted. "Don't you shout at me! This wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have slept with Kirstie, that's just sick you guys are like siblings. And now he's off with that thing. Ugh. I don't understand.What really happened between you and Alex? How does he know about Mitch?" He questioned. I sighed and he sat next to me.

"Scottie, babe I really think it would be kind of cool to do it!" Alex whined.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I love you and all but I'm not comfortable doing that with you." I said.

Alex wanted us to be in a daddy Dom relationship. I didn't want to but he did really bad.

"Fine. I thought you loved me. That's ridiculous. Go ahead and do whatever, I will find someone who will do it with me. I'm going to Kirstie then I'm leaving. Have a nice life Scott." He yelled as he pushed past me. "Fine. If you wanna be that way, be that way!" I yelled as he left.


"I'm sorry Scooter." Avi said rubbing my back. "We'll find Mitchie, but I'm still gonna keep him away from you. "

"You can't! Mitch is too innocent and he will be his toy that he plays with." Ugh!

I love you Mitchie, I promise I will fins you.

How was it? Ahaha.

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