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Scott's POV
He got Marked. But by who?

I sat down next to him and he smiled lightly but it faded when he saw my face expressions. "Are you okay Scottie?" He asked quietly. I nodded "I'm fine. Um Mitchie, who marked you?" He gave me a confused look and smiled "You silly, I was asleep though." I sighed and put my head in my hands. He crawled in my lap and gave me a hug. "How about you go show Kirstie and Kevin your drawings while I go talk to Avi." He nodded and kissed my cheek before leaving the room.

I went to the living room and saw Avi watching TV. I grabbed the remote and shut it off, he just glared at me. "Avriel Benjamin Kaplan why would you mark my Omega?" He laughed and shook his head. "He's mine now, you can't do anything about it." Kevin came in and sat down with one of Mitch's drawings. "Actually Sir, since you weren't assigned that Omega the mark will only last for about another ten minutes. It would stay there if you asked him to be your Omega. He doesn't have to be assigned to you, but since he hasn't agreed or known about it that's considered against the rules." Kevin replied. Avi growled and tried to make a move but I held him back.

"But that's now what I came here for Alpha Scott. It's about Mitch." I was so confused. "Okay? What about him?" I questioned. "I finally figured it out. He's half a fourth Alpha and half a fourth Beta. He's what you call an Albetga. People thought it was some made up fairytale but it's proving to be true. These pictures Mitch has been drawing aren't just pictures, they are the royal symbols. These symbols have been lost and unknown for decades. He's in the royal family.

He has his mark on his collarbone instead of his neck. When his family is in danger he can feel and see them. But his family ran away since they were in danger. The prophecy is true, Mitch is the rare Omega, his parents gave him away at the age of six so he would be killed by the Omega Hunters. They needed the Royal bloodline to live on. Those drawings can lead us to the Omega hunters and possibly fulfill the prophecy. We might be able to find his parents!" Kevin confirmed. Man this dude is smart.

Avi's eyes lightened and he headed to Kristie's room, Kevin and I following him. Mitch was drawing a family with symbols other pictures were spread out on the floor. Avi sat next to him as I walked in. Mitch got up and grabbed my hand softly, he sat on my lap and wrapped my hands around him. "The drawings are dreams I've been having. I just see these images and I instantly draw them. They mean something but I don't know what." Mitch says quietly

One photo in particular caught my eye. It was a photo of a little boy, he had brown eyes like Mitch's. He had the mark but in the background was a gang. I guess he noticed me staring because he explained. "Those are Omega Hunters, the President thought that we didn't need to live so he created them to kill us. Once his term was over they still came after my family since we had royal blood in us. As of now I'm the only one alive as far as I know." A tear rolled down his face but I wiped it away quickly. Kirstie shed a few tears, Avi just stared at the pictures.

What do these pictures mean?

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