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Double? Why not? 😊

Scott's POV
I had been pacing all day, I need my Mitch back. Kevin was in the room with me. He wouldn't leave my side, and I thank him for that. My thoughts were interrupted by a phone call from an unknown number. I get Kevin's attention and he pulls his phone out to record the message. I answer and put the phone on speaker.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hi there Scottie."

"Who is this?"

"Oh Scottie, you're so clueless. This is your friend Travis, and Alex of course."

"Where's Mitch, what did you do to my baby?"

"You mean my baby. Scott you cheated on him. Tsk, what a shame. But I haven't done anything to him. He's perfectly fine."

"Let ms speak to him. Alone"

"Ugh. Fine. Mitchie, come here baby boy." "Yes daddy?" I hear him speak. He calls him Daddy, oh dear lord.

"Someone wants to speak to you, Travis and I will be outside okay?" "Yes Daddy."


"Mitchie, oh my gosh you're okay! I'm so sorry, I regret everything I said. Please tell me you're okay."

"I'm fine Scott, I'm perfectly fine. But thanks, I forgive you and all but I'm with Alex now, sorry."

"But Mitchie I-"

"Bye Scott."

He hangs up but I get a message.

Scott, it's Mitch, please help me. I'm at Travis's house. I'm going to delete this message on Alex's phone but please find me. They are making me act like a baby and it's weird. I forgive you and I love you, I need you Scott. Please help me soon. Alex said he wants to hear more sounds from my pretty voice, he kisses me. I feel so dirty. Please help me. -xoxo Mitch.

I show Kevin the message and he runs to Avi. I call the council and explain everything. They confirm they are on their way and Avi comes in with his coat on. "You ready to get Mitch back?" He questions. I pick up the necklace and sigh. "I've been more than ready."

I'm coming for ya Mitchie.

Mitch's POV

Allie and Travis let me talk to Scott on the phone. I try not to cry when I hear his voice. I tell him I'm with Alex but I type a text to him and quickly delete it after it sends. I hate to hear the pain in his voice, but that was the only way I knew it would work. Alex and Travis come back in and we go downstairs to watch TV. I sit on Alex's lap as he rubs circles on my back. I slowly fall asleep thinking of Scott.

Please find me soon Scott. Somebody help.

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