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I'm back, thankfully I got done with track early. And Imagine is AMAZING. It kinda describes me rn, I tried not to cry in class when I heard it. Anywayyyyy, I'm gonna write the Mavi one shot and the Scomiche one shot tonight. But first a chapter for you lovely people. Thanks so much for being patient and encouraging me

A few months later
Scott's POV

I sat with Kirstie as she explained to me what happened. "I miss Mia." She mumbled,placing her head on my chest. Yea, I forgot to tell you. Tori adopted Mia.  Everyone was upset but it hurt Avi the most. He sulked for a few days. I rubbed her back one last time and she went to Avi.

I went to the kitchen and searched for a snack.

Once upon a time
A girl with moonlight in her eyes
Put her hand in mine
And said she loved me so.

I sang to myself quietly, Mitch had been going around singing those words because a girl that he used to be really close with would sing that to him. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing.


"Hey, it's Dan, Phil and some of his friends are in this lgbt version of Phantom of The Opera, it starts at 8 and I was wondering if you guys wanted to come?" Dan stated

"Yea, just text me the address and I'll see you then."


I jogged to my room and saw Mitch drawing a girl he described. I went behind him and pulled him into my lap, he was singing quietly.
"But that was once upon a time, very long ago"

"Mitch, we're going to see the Phantom in a couple hours. Have you showered or do you need help?" I whispered, nibbling his ear. He slightly shivered but shook his head "No thank you Alpha, I took a shower. I cant take care of myself, thank you though." I slightly frowned and let him go. He moved his photo and turned around, slightly straddling me. "What's wrong Alpha?" He questioned. I shook my head and tried to move but he stopped me. "Please, I wanna help you Scottie." He said slightly pouting.

I tugged his lip and moved him off of me. "I'm fine Mitchell." I snapped. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes, heading towards  the door. "Mitchie, come here sweetie." He ignored me and kept walking, I followed him. "Mitchell, come here now!" I growled. He kept walking, I sighed and sat on the ground. I got up and followed his scent, finding him in Avi's room. Avi was cradling Mitchie in his arms, whispering in his ear as Mitch sniffled. "He just wanted to help you Scooter, he could tell something was wrong. Is that so bad?" He asked softly.  I sighed and he handed Mitch over time. "FYI, I told you to give him the silent treatment." He said, sticking his tongue out.

I rolled my eyes and flicked him off, going to my room. I set him on the bed and hovered over him, he remained quiet. "Baby, I didn't mean to upset you." He remained quiet,sighing. I sighed dramatically and placed his back on the headboard. "Talk to me baby." I whispered, kissing his neck. He whined and tried to move,struggling against my grip."
I kept kissing his neck till I found a spit that made him gasp. I chuckled and he growled at me.

"Oh feisty are we?" I chuckled, "Well two can play that game!" I whispered closing the space between us. His eyes widened and he tucked his lips in, making me growl. I slowly inched my fingers in his waist making him shiver. I smirked, letting my fingers dance along his sides. He snickered, trying to hold his laugh in but failed when I tickled him harder. He laughed harder and squirmed, regaining his breath as I let him go. He rolled his eyes and got up, trying to move around me but I pinned him down.

"Nope, you gotta give me a kiss first Mitchie. You know how this works." I said smirking. He rolled his eyes and laughed. "I can't kiss you if you are pinning me down, can I Mister Scott?". He stated, rolling his eyes once more.  I groaned and he sat up and placed himself between my legs. He leaned in and so did I, he placed his lips on my cheek and ran giggling.  I chuckled and saw him turn around in the closet. "You can't hide from me Mitchie." I stated I smirked and slowly crawled in the closet,wrapping my arms around his waist. "Boo." I whispered, bringing him out of the closet. He squealed and tried to run but I held him back. "S-Scottie. Stop. P-please!" I slowly let him go and kissed his neck.

I chuckled and kiss his jaw, meeting his lips. He kissed back instantly and wrapped his hand around mine. I pulled away, taking his bottom lip with me. He rolled his eyes and placed his fingers.

A could minutes later everyone got ready and we headed to the play. We took our seats and the play started with some eerie music.

Halfway through the movie, the younger version of Christine came out and started singing with the young Phantom.

Once upon a time
A girl with moonlight in her eyes
Put her hand in mine
And said she loved me so
But that was once upon a time
Very long ago

Once upon a hill
We sat beneath a willow tree
Counting all the stars and waiting for the dawn
But that was once upon a time
Now the tree is gone

How the breeze ruffled through her hair
How we always laughed as though tomorrow wasn't there
We were young and didn't have a care
Where did it go

Once upon a time
The world was sweeter than we knew
Everything was ours
How happy we were then
But somehow once upon a time
Never comes again

Once upon a time
Never comes again

Mitch gasped and tapped me. I gave him a questioning look. "That's her, that's the girl I drew. I know her." Mitch whispered

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