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"I want it and I want it now!" I yelled in the phone.

Some people can be so frustrating.

"I'm so sorry, he's been asleep for a while since he got injured. It's not my fault you sent Jeremh and Alex to kidnap and murder Mitch for blood." They spat through the phone.

"Listen here and listen good. I want that blood, and I want it soon. If I don't get what I want bad things will happen, and you know when bad things happens you won't be happy." I snarled.

"Ugh,fine I'll see what I can do. He is a good friend to me. I don't want him hurt."

"But think about all the money and power and freedom you will have, once that blood is mine."

"Deal, I'll see what I can do."

"You better not make me upset, Rick almost failed me and Connie is on the move soon. I want you s close to him as can be after he has fully healed. I want that blood thick and rich. And bring the blood Isabella did her little scheme with too. I'm gonna need you together under her skin."

"Yes Alpha."

"That's what I thought, don't make me upset or you will regret it."

"I know, bye Alpha."

"Goodbye Kirstie, horrid dreams to you."

Alpha?(Scomiche/Pentatonix)Where stories live. Discover now