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Scott held Mitch close and rubbed his hair, soothing the small boy.

Mitch had found Scott three days ago.

Luckily they escaped and called the Head Council.

Mitch stayed by Scott's side no matter what for the past three days.

He stayed up ever since he found Scott, even though he was sleep deprived he wanted to protect the one he loved most.

Scott rubbed Mitch's back as he slipped into a deep slumber, even though he objected.

Scott placed Mitch on the bed,absorbing the cuteness of the adorable figure next to him.

Scott tucked the small boy in and placed a kiss on his cheek before exiting the room.

Scomiche had returned to the previous hotel Mitch was in but had gotten a suite for a few days.

Scott contemplated about calling Avi and letting him know that he's alright,but something in the back of his mind told him otherwise.

Scott's thoughts were interrupted a by soft knock on the door.

Scott walked to the door and looked through the peephole.

He saw a head but quickly opened the door, revealing Isabella.

"Hey, I need to talk to you about your pack." She whispered closely examining the atmosphere.

Scott nodded and let her in,quickly shutting the door.

The two sat on the couch and she took off her jacket, revealing the long henna sleeve on her arm.

"Just listen." She said.

"Mitch has this too but not as long as mine, every time some plan of Tori's comes up, more drawings of the prophecy are revealed.

But you need to stay somewhere safe.

Tori got to Kirstie as you know,but Kirstie got to Kevin who got to Avi.
Avi is trying to get to Mitch for pleasure and for Tori's needs." She explained as her palms turned into a video that captured everything that happened.

Scott sat there in awe, not knowing what to do or how to protect his lover.

Scott took a deep breath before contemplating what he would do.

Isabella promised to come back later and left giving Scott a quick hug.

Scott sulked and went back to Mitch, slipping in the bed carefully.

Moments later his stomach rumbled,alarming him that he was hungry.

Scott slowly got up but Mitch instantly clung to him.

Scott gave a sympathetic smile before trying to move again, only to be stopped by Mitch whining and making his grip stronger.

"Scottie?" He whispered as his tired eyes opened.

"Yes princess?" Scott cooed as he rubbed Mitch's arm,hopefully making him tired.

"Where are you going?" He whispered.

"I'm going to eat, I'll be right back." He stated. "You need to sleep princess."

Mitch whined and made grabby hands at Scott. "Me come too."

Scott chuckled and placed a kiss on his forehead before lifting him into his arms and setting him on his hip.

Scott pushed his bangs out of his face and kissed his cheek.

He walked into this kitchen and held Mitch as he found a snack.

Mitch whined at Scott's movements but went back to sleep.

Scott chuckled at the small boy and went back to the bedroom, placing him in the bed.

Mitch whined and looked at him.

"Daddy?" He whimpered,pouting.

Scott gave Mitch a concerned look and pulled him into his lap.

Scott knew that Mitch was slightly if not all the way in 'Small' mode.

Scott had found some information about Mitch from some files he found in the basement he was trapped in.

'Small' mode is when Mitch is sleep deprived or sick. He can't really help how he acts around Scott but of course Scott doesn't mind. 😉

Sometimes he would turn into Royal Omega mode and sleep for about 20-46 hours.

Scott cradled Mitch like a baby and sung I'll run to you. A song Avi sang to Kirstie when she was finally his Omega.

By the time he was at the chorus Mitch was fast asleep in Scott's arms.

Scott sat there thinking.

He only a few days left in hotel.

He thought of the pros and cons of Mitch's safety.

He did the only thing he could do.

He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed the number.


"Hey Mario? It's Scott."

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