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Today seems like a ref kind of day. 😏


"Bring me the boy!" A deep voice growled.

"I'm sorry but the person you are trying to call is not available, please leave your name and number after the tone. For other options press 2. Beep" I said in a monotone voice.

"I think you know who this is. Most likely since you aren't answering your phone. But know this Scott Hoying, I have your father and will soon have your mother. If you do not bring the boy there will be hell to pay. And I mean, Horrid Dreams." The voice said before hanging up.

"Idiot!" I mumbled,laughing to myself.

I grabbed our bags in one arm and Mitch in the other.

I went to our hotel room and laid Mitch on the bed next to Avi.

"Morning." He mumbled,leaning into Avi's side.

I rolled my eyes and went back outside for fresh air.

After a few minutes of clearing my mind I went back inside, Mitch was braiding Avi's hair in a fishtail braid.

"Scottie, his hair is so soft and fluffy." He shrieked, giggling.

Avi rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Welcome Back Mitchie." He said,chuckling.

Oh boy.

Kevin came in with a book and sat on the floor.

Mitch gasped and started clapping.

"Kevin's the guy from the office, the funny one!"

I rolled my eyes as Avi and Kevin laughed.

"Avi do you own Kaplan University?" Mitch questioned,giggling.

"Yes I do Little Bit." He said, poking his nose.

Mitch laughed and poked his nose repeatedly.

"Boop Boop." He said chuckling.

"All the burgers are gone!" Avi shouted in a deep voice, cackling.

Mitch rolled on the bed laughing.

"Hold on! I need to dab my wetties!" He replied,wiping his eyes.

"Hold on Hold on!" Kevin said cackling.

"I think Djoo is calling me!" He shrieked, falling to the ground.

"Awe that's so fcute!" Avi said, slightly smirking.

"You guys are idiots!" I mumbled,shaking my head.

Mitch got quiet and started pouting and Kevin was trying to breathe.

"That's it! Look Scooter, I know you're stressed we all are. But one more snap like that and Mitch is mine." Avi growled.

I rolled my eyes and got closer to him.

"Try me Avriel! You can't do shit!" I spat.

"Um Alpha Scott, you should not dis-"

"Not the time Beta!" I growled, pushing him away.

Avi smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Done and over with. Mitch is mine until I feel like you can cooperate like an actual Alpha should. We are going to a separate room and we will stay there. Trust me he will be fine." Avi stated.

I groaned as he grabbed Mitch's stuff.

I gave Mitch one last hug and kissed his lips lightly.

"I love you Kissyboy."

"Love you too Samantha." He whispered in my chest.

Avi rolled his eyes and led Mitch out the door.

He went to close the door but stopped to turn at me.

"Just know that I can do anything to him." He smirked, closing the door.

"Anything!" He shouted in the hallway.

He's a dead man.

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