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I think it's a pretty cool pic.

"Hi Alpha." Mitch mumbles.

I quickly pull him into my arms and lay on the bed.

Avi leaves and goes to talk go Kevin, giving us some space.

"How are you feeling baby?" I question,softly.

"I'm fine, just sore." He mumbles.

"You'll be sore for a while, I'm sorry baby. Once you heal, I'm going to tickle you like crazy." I say, smirking.

He looks at me with the cutest pout. "But why?" He says softly.

I nip his lip and he hides his face and squeals.

"Because your cute little face needs a smile." I whisper in his ear, causing him to shiver.

"I love you Alpha." He whispers.

"I love you more Mitchie." I state,rubbing his back.

"Not possible."

"Is too." I say, chuckling.

He growls and plays with my fingers.

"You're so feisty!" I say, nipping his ear.

He rolls his eyes and goes to sleep in my lap, me doing the same.

Mitchie slept the rest of the day but I wasn't surprised since he's in pain.

I was now on my laptop looking for more information on Mitch's family, but my computer kept freezing.

"Ugh. Not again!" I mumbled to myself, shutting my laptop.

Mitch shifted and looked at me, his eyes were red and blue with a hint of yellow.

"You alright Mitchie?" I asked softly.

No answer, just staring.

"I-I'm gonna go to the bathroom alright? I'll be right back." I said, slowly getting up.

Still no answer, only staring.

I slowly backed up into the hallway and went to Kevin's room, banging on his door.

"What's up Alpha?" He asked, as he opened the door.

"Mitch,eyes,all colors,scary" I said panting.

He gave me a worried look and went to my room, me closely behind.

He peeked in and turned to me.

"Alpha he's sleeping! Are you sure you're okay? I will check the cameras alright?" He stated.

I nodded and went back to bed.

I turned and Mitch growled, smirking.

"M-Mitchie." I stuttered, moving away.

He grabbed my arm and pinned me against the bed.

I yelped and called for Kevin but he covered my mouth.

"Show me where the blood is." The deep voice spat.

I shook my head and his grip on men got tighter.

The door knob moved and 'Mitch' went to 'sleep'.

Kevin came in and grabbed my hand, taking me to his room.

"You're sleeping in here tonight, I have an extra bed. I'm gonna watch what's going on." He said quickly, returning to his computer.

I sat by him and we watched for hours.

Nothing happened.

"Alpha wake up! You might wanna see this." Kevin shook me lightly.

A dark figure came out of Mitch, stretching it's bones.
It lifted Mitch up and strangled him as he screamed in pain.
"Tell me where the blood is Grassi!" It spat.
"I don't have it! I'm telling the truth!" He pleaded.
The figure set him down and took out a mask with old symbols.

"Those are the royal symbols, that mask is sacred and if it gets in the wrong hangs, the power will be used to the worst of us." Kevin stated, softly.

The figure looked around and searched for blood.

"Zoom in Kev, I wanna see who it is." I said softly.

Kevin did as told and I was shocked when I saw the face.

Rick Hoying.

Dun Dun Dunnnn

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