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I woke up from what felt like a half hour of sleep and groaned. I felt like someone had come in here. But I might just be imagining things. Mitch was asleep but he was panting and sweating. I felt his forehead, he's burning up. He flinched at my touch but relaxed since my hands are most likely cold. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, he flinched and whimpered. "Please don't hurt me." My heart shattered at his words.

I kissed his cheek while rubbing circles on his back, his heart slowed down and he relaxed in my arms but he was still sweating. I slowly reached up and turned the ceiling fan on so he could cool down. Mitch turned and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He smiled in his sleep and shivered. I pulled the covers over us and went back to sleep.

I woke up at the sound of puking. I quickly got up and saw Mitch basically puking his guts out. He wiped his mouth and flushed toilet. I went back to the bed and pretended to be asleep. He came back and laid down. I checked the clock, 4:45 am. I turned over and wrapped Mitch in arms and he weakly relaxed. I moved his bangs out of his eyes and pulled him closer.

Ring ring ring, ring ring a ling. Ring ring ring ring ring a GET YOUR CLOOOCKK. I groaned and turned the alarm off. Why do I always get up at 7? I turned over and saw Mitch still asleep. I checked he forehead, he cooled down a bit but he's still burning up. "Baby boy you gotta get up." I whispered shaking him lightly. His eyes shot open dark red. I screamed and almost fell off the bed.

Kevin came running in instantly "Hey, everything okay? I heard screa- MITCH WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOUR EYES?"

"I don't feel good Alpha." Mitch mumbled as his eyes changed from red to orange

"He threw up this morning, he's been sweating and panting like crazy, I turned the fan on and he cooled down a bit. I shook him lightly and that happened." I told Kevin as Mitch went back to sleep.

Kevin thought for a second "He may have the flu, I don't know. Just let him rest. Don't wake him up unless you need to, if you do don't shake him." I nodded and he left. I cradled Mitch in my arms and kissed his forehead, hi eyes fluttered opened and he looked around. He put his thumb in his mouth and laid his head on my chest. I took his thumb out, he just whined and put it back in. I sighed and he looked at me with his beautiful brown eyes. "I can't kiss you with your thumb in your mouth." I said as I removed his thumb.

He looked at me and pouted. I chucked and tugged his lip, he squealed and covered his face. I rubbed his back and he went back to sleep.  Kevin came back with a letter in his hands. "You might wanna read this." He said as he handed me the letter. I opened the later and Kevin sat next to me.

I see you've taken my Mitchell, I guess the council thought they could get away with it. You might wanna protect your "baby", but he won't be your baby for long.

                                   Omega Hunters

I sighed and crumpled the paper     " What does this mean? " I asked running my hands over my face. Kevin thought for a moment "I don't know but we just gotta be careful. Kirstie, Avi, and Toddy know to keep watch."

I nodded and looked at Mitch. "I'm gonna go get some cameras from the security store, watch him for me please?" He nodded and I grabbed my keys and headed to the store. I went in and went to the camera aisle when I heard someone scream. I ran to it and saw a man who looked exactly like the picture Mitch had drawn, yet he was holding a little girl who couldn't be older than 4. He was choking her. I pounced on him and knocked him out. The store manager came and thanked me.

I took the little girl and took her to the car after I purchased the cameras. "What's your name sweetie?" I asked. "My alpha said I'm not sposed to talk to stwangers." She said quietly. I chuckled and sat her next to me. "It's okay, your Alpha is right. But he was hurting you, so my friends are gonna take care of you okay?" I said. She nodded and smiled showing her little dimples. "My name is Mia. But my alpha called me Munchkin" I nodded "How old are you Mia?" I questioned. "Three." She said holding up four fingers, I smiled and put one finger down. "Let's get home, I want you to meet everyone else okay?" I asked as I strapped her in her seat. "My name is Scott by the way." "Nice to meet you Tot." This girl is too cute.

We quickly headed home and I introduced her to everyone, except Mitch who was still asleep. Kirstie adored her the minute she walked in. Kirstie and Mia were in the living room, Avi and Kevin were outside, and I went to my room. Mitch finally woke up and ran to me and gave me a hug. "Hi Scottie." He mumbled in my chest. I chuckled and kissed his forehead. "Sleep well?" He nodded and sat on my lap as I sat on the bed.

It got silent and I caught Mitch staring at me but he looked away. I pecked his lips and carried him downstairs. "Who's that?" He asked referring to Mia. "That's Mia, she's apart of our Pack now. I think you will like her, she's three so she can't talk very well." Mitch nodded and went and sat by her. "Hi Mia I'm Mitch." Mitch said politely. "Hi Stitch." I tried to hold in a laugh and so did Mitch.

This girl is too cute

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