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Don't hate me. ;)

Mitch's POV

I woke with a splitting headache and looked around. I was in a bright pink room, similar to what Alex had put me in.

Maybe I'm with Isabella.

I heard footsteps and I quickly flopped back down, closing my eyes.

I felt their warmth breath open me and I opened my eyes, seeing a man smirking above me.

"You're awake." He said,flinching

I nodded slowly and looked around.

"Time for the party Baby " he said, grabbing my hand and taking me to a bathroom.

"Clothes off Baby!" He said creepily, tugging my clothes. My grip grew stronger.

"OFF NOW!" He screamed, pulling out a gun.

This guy is nuts

I quickly took off my clothes as he ran the water.

He set me in the tub and slowly scrubbed my body. "Such a gorgeous Baby." He whispered, licking his lips.

After a few moments he brought out a towel and wrapped me in it, sending me to my room.

"I want you dressed in five minutes Baby" He said quickly, shutting the door.

I quickly ran around the room looking for an escape, but there wasn't even a window.

I sighed in defeat and trodded to the closet, looking for an outfit.
I picked out a simple one and he came back in and did my makeup.

He stood me up and eyed me up and down.

"Who are you? Where's Scott!? Why am I even here? I wanna go h-mmph" my rant was cut off bt him forcing his lips on mine, I quickly pushed him away.

"Master Jeremy only let's the good dollies speak, don't be a bad baby." He whispered in my ear, biting it.

He grabbed my hand and took me to the living room to see the face of my death.

Alex and Travis.

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