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Mitch and I spent the day on the beach.

Mitch was picking up sea shells and making a necklace for the Pack with some string he got.

He ran towards me and tapped my shoulder.

"Yes Kitten?"

"I made you a flower crown. I made me one too!" He said as he placed it on my head.

"Awe thank you Princess, it's beautiful. I will cherish it forever." I stated, kissing his forehead.

I pulled him on my lap and played with the baby hairs on his neck.

His anxiety has been us all day since there are more Alpha's around but he sticks by my side most of the time.

His breathing got heavier and he fell asleep.

I carried him to the hotel and set him on the bed then proceeded to take a shower.

The ring came in this morning so I was getting ready for tonight.

I changed into a navy blue jacket and black jeans.

I styled my hair and went online, making reservations and setting everything up for the date tonight.


Mitch had finally come out of the bathroom fully dressed.

"You look amazing Princess." I said, developing him in a hug.

"Thank you Alpha." He mumbled in my chest.

We left the hotel and went to the beach for a candlelit dinner.


The dinner went well and we started walking on the beach hand in hand.

"Mitchie?" I stopped in my tracks.

"I love you so much. You take my breath away every time I look at you. You are the key to my stubborn heart. I can't be away from you for more than .01 seconds. I would miss you too much. Everyday I wake up next to you is another day that I'm blessed. I can't see my life without you in it. I wanna take another step further in my relationship with you. So.-" I got down on one knee as tears filled his eyes.

"Will you be my Princess?" I questioned, choking on my words.


"Thank Avi! I thought you were gonna-"

"Wait what?!" I snapped.

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