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I woke up from what felt like years of sleeping and looked around. "Mitch?" I called out, but got no answer.

"Scott? Come out to the balcony!" Kevin yelled.

I quickly ran out and saw Kevin petting beautiful wolf.

"Scott. Mitch transformed because he got scared when he heard something. His instincts are shaken up, but that's what happens with the royal bloodline which is pretty cool to me. And Avi gave me the blood, I'm going to run some test to see why they would keep it." Kevin stated, rubbing Mitch's head.

"Be a good boy for Scott, I'll check on you later." Kevin said to Mitch before he left.

"You're such a beauty." I whispered, moving closed to him.

His eyes flashed blue and he nuzzled his head against my hand.

I smiled and rubbed his back, he slightly flinched.

"Sorry baby, I forgot you're sore. Hopefully these two months will go by quick." I stated, kissing his fur softly.

He licked my face in return.

"I don't know when you're gonna change back but I'm gonna go get you some food, you need to keep your nutrients up." I stated.

He barked and I laughed, heading to the kitchen.

Avi was making steak and potatoes. Perfect.

"Hey Avi, Mitch is in royal Omega mode so he won't be down here to eat." I stated quietly.

"And by that you mean?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Avi jumped when he heard Mitch bark loudly, causing me to laugh.

"Can you go check on Mitch for me, while I set the plates?" I asked, trying to hold in a laugh.

He nodded and jogged upstairs.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Avi screamed.

I laughed and made my way upstairs. Mitch was licking Avi as he groaned in disgust.

"See, he loves you." I said, laughing.

Kirstie ran in followed by Kevin.

"He's so cute can we keep him? Can we name him Olaf?!" Kirstie shrieked.

"Sorry Kirst, that's Mitch. He got pretty bruised so he'll be like that for about twi hours a day, since his instincts are messed up. He should be transformed soon, it's been almost two hours." Kevin stated as Kirstie frowned.

They got up and proceeded to dinner as I stayed upstairs with Mitch.

"You know I love you, right boy?" I asked, rubbing his head.

He barked and licked my face in response.

"Good, I know you love me too."

He whimpered and his paw started glowing.

"What in the world?" I whispered quietly.

The henna mark on his paw slowly moved and formed and image of a woman that almost made me scream. The image disappeared before it formed an abbreviation.

T.K 👹

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