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"Mitch?" I yelled, shaking him.

No response.

"Hey! Out here!" Someone says banging on the window. Avi goes to the balcony and lets the person in.


"What are you doing here?" I asked with anger in my voice.

"I felt him, I felt Mitchie. The part of the necklace he gave me made my neck hurt and it started flashing. That only happens when Mitch was under T.K." She states.

"Who is T.K?" I question.

She shakes her head. "No time for that. I need blood and I need it now." She states.

I nod and run to Avi's room, grabbing his blood and quickly run back to my room.

She grabs the blood and unlocks her piece of the necklace. She takes out a golden rose petal and put it in the blood.

The blood turned pink and then gold, flashing images of Mitch and other people until the blood turned gold.

"You can't tell him what happened. If I tell you who T.K is, you need to hide this blood and don't let anyone use it. Only people in this Pack and me. And you can't tell Mitch what happened, she almost killed him. If I hadn't had the necklace on Mitch would be a goner."

"Alright I agree." I say quickly.

She gives Mitch a sip of the blood and moments later he regains his color and starts to breathe again.

"He's asleep, it'll ware off in a few moments. I'll be leaving now." She says quickly.

"Wait, who's T.K?" I question.

She turns around and her eyes glow.

"Tori Kelly."

And with that she's gone.

My announcement, I might make a YouTube Channel soon but idk for sure yet because I don't have stuff for a studio. But I will hopefully soon.


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