Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

"It is with a heavy heart that I stand here before you all today; there's been an incident that needs addressing."

I just sat there, everyone else staying silent as the principal addressed the entire school.

"I've been informed early this morning about a rather tragic event; something that's involved one of our fellow students."

It was only about midday and I knew the rumours had already spread amongst the students as to what had happened; a few people already knew the truth.

"Sadly, one of our students passed away last night," the principal continued; I could've sworn I heard someone gasp briefly from further back in the room. "Ashley, can I please ask you to come up here and say a few things?"

Juliet gave me a reassuring smile as I reluctantly got up from where I'd been seated down the front; I could see she was trying hard to keep it together as I made my way up to the stage where the principal was.

Everyone's eyes were on me as I made myself walk up the steps to the stage, counting them as I went up; one, two, three. It helped to briefly take my mind off the current matter at hand.

The principal moved aside, allowing me to take up the position at the school podium, the microphone still on from moments before.

Looking around at everyone, I could see they were all waiting to hear what I had to say. Juliet and the others were all down the front and I hesitated, catching Juliet's gaze. I still had no idea why I'd even agreed to do this, but here I was; there was no backing out now.

I cleared my throat, forcing myself to speak.

"Uh, ok," I began, trying to keep my voice steady as I looked down, unable to look around anymore. "So ah, I've been asked to tell everyone about what's actually happened; dunno why anyone in this room even needs to be told. I know for a fact that none of you are gonna care or even feel bad, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it anyway because I've been asked to; it might take me a bit to tell, but here goes nothing I guess."

I took a breath before looking up and surveying the room again, forcing myself to look around at everyone.

"So last night, Andy passed away," I continued, trying to keep it together as I spoke. "Now, I'm pretty sure nearly everyone in this room knew him or knew of him. He sadly took his life last night; I don't know how long he was even there before-."

I stopped abruptly, finding myself choking up on my own words; I made myself continue, trying to stop the tears that were threatening.

"I don't know how long he was there before I found him at about nine-thirty," I said, wiping a tear away; the last thing I wanted was to break down in front of the whole school. "He was already gone by the time I got there and there wasn't anything I could do."

I stopped again, seeing Juliet down the front with Vic saying something to her; she'd lost it and I could see she was crying.

"Y'see, the thing is," I continued, leaning forwards and resting my arms on the podium as I surveyed the room once more; seeing Juliet cry over this was enough to make me mad. "I bet that all of you, apart from one specific group, I bet that none of you even know or understand why Andy committed suicide."

I looked around, seeing the looks on the faces of everyone in the crowd; Jinxx indicated for me to stop and tone it down, trying to tell me not to say what I was about to.

"Y'see, there's not really any nice way to put this," I continued, the anger having set in; I saw Vic trying to calm Juliet down as I looked around, still in the same position as before. "Andy killed himself last night because of all of you."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now