Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Ashley's Point of View:

"Look Ash, I know you haven't had the best week so far and Andy's notebook has disappeared somewhere, but you'll find it and everything will settle down," Juliet said as we sat at the table that Friday night, waiting for Matt and his girlfriend to show up. "Just talk to Matt about this and then we'll go from there."

"I just don't know where the fuck it could've gone," I said with a bit of annoyance. "It was on my desk, and now it's nowhere to be seen."

"Just calm down and relax a bit; worry about it later," Juliet tried as I looked around, wondering what was taking Matt so long; it was just after seven and he wasn't usually late. "I know you need to find it, but I'm sure it's somewhere; it probably got knocked off your desk and is somewhere in your office."

Hearing her say that, something in my mind clicked and I found myself shaking my head.

"I think I know where it is," was all I said before Matt appeared at the table, making both Juliet and I look up.

"Hey," Juliet said, getting to her feet as I did; she pulled Matt into a hug before looking to the girl he had with him, clearly his girlfriend. "You must be Valary; I'm Juliet."

Matt and I both just watched as they shook hands; Juliet and I both took our seats again as Matt and Valary both sat down opposite us. Matt looked between me and Juliet.

"You guys been here long?" he asked as we all decided it was the right time to look at the menu; I hadn't been here in years and a lot had changed.

The management had changed about three, maybe four times since I'd been here last time which would've been before I turned fourteen.

"Not really," Juliet said in response to Matt's question. "We haven't been waiting long; got here just before seven."

Matt gave a nod. "Alright; awesome. Was hoping we didn't keep you guys waiting long; just had to tie up a couple things for this tour before we left. Gotta call the manager back after tonight to confirm whether we're cancelling or going ahead with it."

He shot me a bit of a smile, earning himself a hit from Valary who just shook her head at him, making him roll his eyes.

"Don't harass him about it," she scolded him, going back to looking at what was on the menu; I saw Juliet smile in amusement. "He'll tell you his answer when he's ready Matt."

Matt just smiled and looked back to me and Juliet.

"What she says goes," he said, making Valary shake her head again; she chose to ignore him for the most part. "Anyway, how about we order something to eat and talk business later?"


"You speak to Vic much?" Matt asked later that night after we'd all eaten.

I gave a nod, making Matt nod back.

"Yeah we keep in touch; talk every week or so," I said; I frowned. "Why?"

Matt gave a bit of a shrug before looking to Valary. "Think you and Juliet could maybe give Ashley and I a few minutes to talk business?"

Valary gave a nod, giving Juliet a smile.

"Sure; I need a drink anyway since I'm not driving."

Both of them got up from their chairs and headed off to go do something for a bit while Matt and I talked about our 'business'. I really wished he'd stop calling it that.

"Look Ashley, I don't wanna harass you about this," Matt began as I leant back into the chair. "But I really gotta get this sorted out; preferably now. The tour starts up again in two weeks, so we've gotta make sure the venues and everything know we're still comin'. If you don't wanna do this, you don't have to; it would just be real great if you could. I just really hope you've thought about this and hope you know whatcha wanna do. I get that you probably don't wanna go and leave Juliet by herself due to the whole kid situation, but it's six weeks."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now