Chapter 45

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Chapter 45:

"Kinda good to have the house back down to two people," Juliet said with a sigh as she sat down on the sofa with me, leaning her head on my shoulder. "It's quiet again."

"Well it wasn't really not quiet when they were here," I said, Juliet shrugging and shutting her eyes. "It's just...less crowded I guess."

Juliet gave a nod this time, removing her head from my shoulder and looking at me. Brian had gone home not long after Corey and Stef had left, as he just hadn't been feeling it today and thought it best to call it quits instead of wasting my time tonight.

"So what's the plan for the weekend?" Juliet asked, watching as Femme jumped up onto the sofa to join her, Crow not far behind.

"I was gonna go see Andy's parents tomorrow," I began, thinking as I went; I really needed to get over there and see what was on Andy's computer again, as much as I didn't really want to know. "Then after that I dunno; we still haven't gone and done anything and I'll be leaving in a couple days."

"Well how about I come with you to see Andy's parents and then we go and do something afterwards?" Juliet suggested, making me nod.

"Sounds like a plan. You sure you wanna go see his parents with me? It's been a while since you've been there and with everything going on and whatnot...y'know..."

"It's fine; don't worry about it Ash. I know everything's been kinda terrible this week, but I promise everything will be fine," Juliet said, my expression showing how much I thoroughly disbelieved that. "I'm serious; from now on everything will be fine."

I sighed, shifting my position a bit to look at her more face on.

"Juliet, look," I began, Juliet just returning my look. "I really think that maybe you need to start seeing someone again. This past week hasn't been real great and I'm seriously still rather worried about you; everything was kinda under control for a while there, but if I'm being honest here, it's all kinda spiralled outta control this week and I think it'd be an idea to maybe talk to someone about this again."

Juliet sighed. "Ashley..."

"No Juliet, I'm serious," I insisted. "I'm not gonna be here for six weeks or so and even though Valary's gonna be staying here with you in case something happens, you really need to start talking about this shit because we all know what happens when you don't."

Juliet looked at me sadly, me just returning the look. She broke my gaze, looking down at Femme who'd made herself comfortable on Juliet's lap.

"I just don't really think I wanna be getting a call from Valary about you," I continued, Juliet not looking at me at all now. "Because you know I care about you and you know how much you mean to me Juliet. I may not be Andy but I still love you, ok?"

Juliet gave a nod, looking like she was going to cry.

"I know Ashley; I love you too."


"Dani seems to really like her," Mrs. Biersack said, her gaze on Juliet and Dani the whole time. "It's a shame she doesn't see her much; I think Dani likes having someone like Juliet around here."

"Yeah, she's good with kids," I said, following her gaze.

Mrs. Biersack looked to me, making me look away from Juliet and Dani.

"You two will be great parents," she said, making me smile a bit. "I'm serious Ashley. It's not always easy being a parent, but it's always worth it in the end."

"Well thanks for the confidence," I said, looking down at the table. "I dunno, don't think this' a bit too young to have kids? I mean, both of us aren't twenty-four until the start of the year and by July we'll have a kid, y'know?"

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now