Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

"You don't have to come with me on Thursday if you don't wanna," I said, Juliet looking to me as she picked up Crow and placed him on the bed, getting a happy meow in return as he wandered over and laid down in between our pillows as usual.

"I want to but I've got a doctor's appointment on Thursday so I'll have to see how that goes before I decide," Juliet said, joining me in bed. "Also have to get some of those jewellery orders shipped out and get some of that done."

I gave a nod of understanding as she turned the light out, clearly tired.

"The offer's always there; I understand though."


"Morning Corey; you"

Corey gave a bit of a shrug as he put his things down next to the chair, sitting down in it before looking to me; he didn't say anything, so I spoke again.

"Anything in particular you wanna tell me today?" I asked, leaning back in my chair and linking my fingers together. "How'd everything go with Brian yesterday?"

Corey's face lit up with a grin; at least that was a way I knew I could get him to talk.

"Really good; he hung around all through lunch break and showed me a few things to help me with learning how to play guitar," he said, me nodding to indicate that I was listening; I was glad he was starting to feel like he was able to talk to me about stuff. "I also may have managed to make a friend because of it."

"That's really good to hear," I said in response, Corey giving a nod. "By the way, how's the notebook coming along? You written anything in it yet?"

Corey shook his head shamefully, knowing that it was the one thing I wanted him to really do; I wasn't going to force him to, but I hoped it was a way he could cope.

"Alright, well just write something if you get the time," I said, getting a nod in return this time. "Now, today you're not gonna be hanging around here, ok? I'm not giving you a pass today and I'm gonna be keeping tabs on whether or not you go to class, ok? Believe me kid, you'll regret not learning stuff."

"I don't wanna do anything with education anyway," Corey said, shifting uncomfortably as he avoided my gaze. "That's not something I wanna do."

"Well even so, you still need to finish and not skip classes all the time."

Corey gave a shrug. "Yeah I guess."

I sighed, knowing that he wasn't in the learning spirit.

"Alright Corey, so how's everything else?" I asked, seeing my phone light up with a message; it was just from Juliet, saying that at the rate things were going, she wouldn't be able to go see Andy's parents with me and Lauren tomorrow.

"Ok I guess," Corey said as I made a mental note to reply to Juliet later when I wasn't busy. "The usual; people still don't want anything to do with me and home sucks."

"How so?"

Corey gave another shrug, looking like he was beginning to shut off.

"Parents are never home or they get home at like, three in the morning and don't seem to care that Stef and I are actually there or not," he said, making me nod to show I was listening. "Just really hate going home; I know Stef deals with it easier than I do but she's older so yeah. I mean, I'm used to it and all."

"I know it gets hard sometimes," I said, Corey giving me that shrug again. "But you're doing well and things take time to really settle down. Keep yourself busy and it should help for a bit; you'll be able to get outta there sooner than you think."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now