Chapter 50

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Chapter 50:

Ashley's Point of View:

"If you think you're missing anything then I'll make sure we get it before you leave after the show, ok?" Juliet said, watching as I made sure I had everything that I needed. She sighed. "Ashley, I'm sure you haven't forgotten anything. I can always come back before the show and get something if you've left it here. You need to stop worrying because we need to head over to the venue."

"You're right; sorry," I said, already stressing out and it wasn't even eight-thirty yet. I took a bit of a breath, trying to calm myself down a bit. "Alright, let's get all this shit in the car and let's head out. Everyone's probably already there by now."

Juliet just shook her head, grabbing one of my bags and heading out of the room as I grabbed the other one. We were leaving directly after the show, so I had to make sure that I had everything with me, as there wouldn't be time to come back and get everything.

"You'll do fine," Juliet said as she put the bag in the back of the car, watching me do the same with my other one. "It's gonna be a long day, but you'll enjoy it when it's happening. I want you to have fun, ok? I don't want you worrying about everything too much because that just makes everything ten times worse."

"Yeah I know," I sighed, heading back inside to get at least two of my current four basses; I'd forgotten to get cases for them so I was going to have to get someone to do that for me today. Juliet followed me in. "Just trying to really work up to this; this' a real big jump from my everyday life y'know."

"I know."

Juliet grabbed the other two basses and followed me out the front door, putting them into the back of the car as well; I put the two I had on the back seat, hoping they'd be ok. Juliet shut the back of the car and looked to me as I shut the car door.

"Now, do you have everything? Wanna do a quick double-check or are we right to go?" she asked, looking at me.

"If I've forgotten anything I'll just let you know," I said, Juliet nodding. "You gotcha pass?"

Juliet nodded; I was sure I had mine as well. Brian had dropped them off before I'd left work yesterday, so we were all set.

"Alright, let's get going."


"You fucking drop it, you fucking pay for it," was the first thing I heard as I walked in; it sounded like Brian.

Juliet followed me as I headed up to the stage. Sure enough, Brian was there, shaking his head as he watched one of the roadies move his guitars.

"Fucking amateurs, I swear to God," he said as he saw me and came over. "Juliet, nice to see you; Ashley, how are we?"

I shrugged, watching as everyone continued on with what they were doing in the way of setting everything up; Matt wasn't anywhere to be seen at the current moment and I was assuming he was backstage somewhere, probably dealing with other things.

"It's early," I said, looking back to Brian as Jimmy watched the guys put his drumkit together. "What about you?"

"It's early," he said in response with a laugh, making me smile. "You look tired."

"You do too," I said, Brian smiling at me.

"Ah yeah well," he said with a slight shrug as he crossed his arms awkwardly. "Y'know how it is the night before you have to leave your incredibly attractive girlfriend for a few weeks to go on tour..."

"Not really but I can guess whatcha trying to say," I said, Brian giving me a bit of a smirk; he was clearly feeling good this morning. "Matt around or shouldn't I bother him?"

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now