Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

"So I was chatting with Lauren yesterday and we were thinking that maybe it'd be a good idea to have a bit of a get together tomorrow," I said, Juliet glancing up from what she was doing which seemed to be writing something down. "I was also thinking maybe it'd be a good time to tell parents about the kid...?"

A smile appeared on Juliet's face as she stopped what she was going.

"I think that's a good idea," she said, making me nod as I finished up my breakfast, needing to head out in a few minutes. "Who were you thinking of inviting over here?"

"Oh, well it depends on who you'd like over," I said awkwardly as I got up to wash my empty bowl in the sink. "Obviously the parents and Lauren; was thinking maybe Andy's parents as well. I mean, I don't think they really go anywhere anymore."

Juliet gave a nod as I finished up, drying my hands as I looked to her.

"Anyone else?" she asked, watching me as I put the handtowel back where it belonged, coming back over to the table to get my stuff, as I'd put it on the chair next to the one I'd been sitting on.

"I'll leave that up to you to decide," I said, picking my things up and making sure I had everything, including my keys. "If there's anyone else you'd like to have over then just go ahead and invite them; I'm not fussed over it. Was Lauren's idea anyway."

Juliet smiled in amusement.

"Note taken; I'll make a few calls in a bit."

"Sounds good; alright, I'll be back home the usual time," I sighed, looking to her. "If you need anything or something happens y'know how to contact me. I'll see you later on tonight."

"Try and have a good day, ok Ash?" she said in return as I headed out to the front door.

"No promises."


I looked up as there was a knock on the door. The principal who happened to be my boss was the one looking back at me.

"We've got that presentation at eleven," he informed, making me nod. "School hall as usual; I'd appreciate it if after I've said a few things this morning you could introduce what's going on."

"Sounds good."

He gave a nod before leaving, leaving my office door open and making me sigh; what was it with people and not closing the Goddamn door when they went out? Was it seriously that hard? I got up from where I'd been sitting at my desk, leaving what I'd been working on. Just as I was about to close the door, I stopped, looking out and seeing Corey sitting a few metres away from my door, his back against the wall as he drew in his sketchbook.


Corey's head snapped up upon hearing his name, looking over to see me standing in my doorway, arms crossed and an unimpressed look on my face. He put his things in his bag before he got up, brushing himself down and looking to me.

"What're you doing loitering around my office again?" I asked seriously as he stood there awkwardly.

Corey cleared his throat a bit before he made himself speak, still looking rather uncomfortable.

"Matt said he'd be back on Friday with those passes," he said, making me sigh; that was why he was hanging around. "Has he been in yet?"

"Not yet and you can't hang around here waiting for him all day," I said seriously, seeing the disappointment on Corey's face. I sighed. "Corey, why're you always hanging around here?"

"You said I could come and talk about stuff."

"Yeah, but you're always hanging around and not really talking to me, even during our scheduled sessions," I said, Corey looking down. "You're using my office as an excuse to get out of class; I get you have problems in class but as I said earlier on in the week, you still have to go. I have other people I talk to as well so you can't always come here man."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now