Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

-6 Years Later- Present -

Ashley's Point of View:

"Any word on what's happening?"

I shook my head, watching as Corey continued to play with Crow on the sofa; Stef sighed, clearly wanting to know what they were meant to do in the way of going home.

"This isn't how I wanted my weekend to go," she said with another sigh, leaning back in the chair and closing her eyes.

I looked to her. "You think this' how I wanted my weekend to go?"

She opened her eyes and looked to me, not saying anything as there was a knock on the door; it didn't end this week at all. I sighed and got up from where I'd been sitting, going over to the door and opening it; it made me wonder where Juliet had gone.

Brian looked back at me, making me frown. Matt had only left less than twenty minutes ago; he worked fast. Brian held something out to me, making me look at it; it was the money he owed me.

"Heard down the grapevine that you're in need of my help," he said as I gratefully took the money from him. "Michelle's gone out for a few hours so I should be available right now if there's someone here who needs to learn some songs."

"I'd really appreciate the help; I haven't even started anything yet," I sighed, Brian putting his hands in his pockets as he looked at me.

"Well Ashley, looks like you're in luck because I happen to have my stuff with me in the car," he said, indicating over his shoulder to where he'd parked outside my house. "I have a guitar and an amp in there if you'd be so kind as to help me bring them inside."

"You're a lifesaver Brian, y'know that?"

Brian gave a careless shrug. "It's what I do."

I smiled in amusement, indicating that I'd be a second as I disappeared back into the living room. Both Corey and Stef looked over as they saw me come back.

"You two wanna make yourselves useful while you're here?" I asked, both of them nodding. "Well then, how about you guys go and help Brian with his stuff."

Corey was straight off the sofa, Crow having tired himself out by the looks of it. Stef smiled in amusement as Corey went out the front door, eager to help.

"He'll do anything to get in with the band," she said with a bit of a laugh, making me smile back.

"Gotcha self a slave for the weekend?" Brian asked as he came in, Corey following him with the amp; Brian had his guitar case with him.

"If that's whatcha wanna call it, sure," I said as I went over and shut the door, Brian halting in the middle of the room.

He looked to Stef as Corey put the amp down, Crow automatically going over to check it out.

"Stef," Brian greeted, Stef giving him a smile in return. He looked to me as I stopped in the living room with them. "So where're we doing this? Anywhere in particular you'd like to go?"

"Here'll be fine," I said, Brian nodding and putting his case down on the floor, Corey watching him as he did so. "Just give me a sec to go grab my bass; probably very out of tune by now."

"Haven't touched it in a while?"

"Been sitting there for at least two years since we got the house; haven't touched it since we moved in," I admitted, Brian nodding in understanding.

"Need some help with it?" Stef offered, making me look to her as Brian knelt down in front of the case, planning on setting up.

"If you wouldn't mind."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now