Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

Ashley's Point of View:


I looked up, Juliet looking back at me.

"Hey," I said back with a sigh, messing my hair up a bit as I avoided her gaze.

"Matt's in the living room; he said he got your message and thought it'd be best if he came by instead of talking over the phone," Juliet said.


I got up from where I was sitting, Juliet stopping me before I could leave the room. I looked at her as she returned the look.

"What's going on Ashley?" she asked seriously. "I'm not letting you leave this room until you tell me what's going on; why's Matt here?"

I sighed, looking down.

"In all honesty Juliet, I don't think you wanna know," I said truthfully. "I don't wanna see you upset and if I tell you what this' about, then that's what's gonna happen. It's not that I don't think you can't handle it, it's just that I don't wanna see you get upset."

"Is it something to do with Andy?" she asked seriously, crossing her arms. "Because you mentioned you needed his notebook and so that kinda implies that it's got something to do with him."

"Yes," I said truthfully. "It's about Andy."

Juliet looked at me for a few seconds before moving out of my way without another word, letting me out of the bedroom. I went to the living room, Matt looking at me from where he was standing in the middle of the room; Corey and Stef weren't around at the moment.

"Why'd you send me that?" I asked straight off, crossing my arms as Matt looked at me. "Why?"

"I would've sent it to you before now but I've been away a lot and I haven't had the chance," Matt said. "Look Ashley, I know I should've gotten rid of it but you needed to see it; understand what happened."

"But why now?" I asked seriously. "Jesus Christ Matt, I've agreed to help you and you show me that?"

"I sent it to you now because it's been weighing on my fucking mind for years!" Matt snapped. "I couldn't just keep that kinda thing to myself, right? I'm sorry, but I had to and this was the first chance I've gotten to do it."

I shook my head, not sure what to say in return.

"I understand if this changes stuff between us," Matt continued, pointing between the two of us. "But you had to know; I understand if you don't wanna help me out now because of this."

I sighed. "Matt, I'm still gonna help you. This isn't your fault."

Matt didn't say anything, just looking at me.

"I watched the whole thing and it's not your fault," I said again, Matt sitting down on the sofa without a word. "I know you've blamed yourself for this for a long time, but it's not your fault; you were only doing as asked by him and that's what matters; you did what was asked of you and so don't blame yourself."

"I watched that video multiple times before I decided to do it," he said, not looking at me. "That week was probably the worst week of my fucking life; that Tuesday, fucking sucked. I'd had a bad morning and the next thing I know, I just went ahead and fucking said it all. Really wish I'd think before I speak but y'know, as usual I'm just a fucking idiot."

He looked down; I took a seat on one of the chairs, Matt sighing.

"Of course once it was done it was too fucking late," he continued. "Nothing I can do now."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now