Chapter 59

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Chapter 59:

"God, finally made it," Brian sighed as he put the key-card into the slot, the door unlocking. "Feels like it took fucking forever."

He pushed the door open, hauling his things in with him before he held the door for me. I gave him a nod of thanks, taking the door from his grip so that he could continue on his way. He turned the light on in the room, going further into it as I brought my stuff in, letting the door shut and lock behind me.

"You mind if I just take a quick shower before we turn the lights off?" Brian asked as he put his things down next to the closest bed. He looked over at the clock. "Even if it is two-thirty-five in the morning?"

"Go for it; don't let me stop you," I said, putting my stuff next to the other bed, going over and shutting the curtains which were for some reason open.

Brian gave me a nod, grabbing a couple of things out of his bag before disappearing into the bathroom. I heard the door close as I sat down on the bed that I was closest to; the one with my stuff next to it. I looked around the room as I thought; it wasn't too bad. There were two double beds which was great; I wasn't a big fan of single beds.

The room wasn't overly big but there was enough space so I couldn't really complain. I got up from where I was sitting, grabbing my bag and putting it on the bed; I quickly got changed into something to sleep in and put the bag back on the floor, taking up my previous seat on the bed.

Before I forgot, I messaged Juliet to let her know that I'd gotten here with no problems; she'd worry if she didn't get a message from me and she'd probably think that something had gone wrong. I put my phone down on the bedside table, hearing as the bathroom door opened and seeing as the light turned off.

Brian looked at me briefly as he sat down on the end of his bed, still drying his hair as he checked something on his phone. I was really starting to feel the tiredness now that I wasn't rushing around to do everything. It'd been a long time since I'd gone to bed this late but I knew that over the next few weeks this would become normal.

"Couldn't help but notice something tonight," I said, breaking the silence between us and making Brian look over to me, his phone forgotten about.


"That everybody in that crowd tonight knew the words to that song," I said, Brian giving a slight nod. "How'd Matt manage to get that past me?"

"That'll forever stay a secret," Brian said with a bit of a smile, making me smile back.

"I really appreciate that he did that tonight though," I said, Brian just watching me. "I honestly didn't know what to say; literally left me speechless."

"Matt felt like he had to do it, so he did."

I gave a bit of a nod, both of us falling quiet. Brian went back to being occupied by his phone as I sat there, not sure what to do or say.

"Why'd he feel like he had to?" I suddenly asked, making Brian look to me again.

"Because he feels bad about everything still," he said in response. "Like, really bad. Quite crippling in a way."

I frowned, not having realised that it was affecting Matt quite to the extent that Brian was making it out to be.

"Does he talk to you guys about it?"

Brian shook his head.

"Not really," he said, back to mindlessly drying his hair, though by the looks of it, it was already pretty dry. "I dunno; when it happened he kinda shut himself off from everyone for a couple weeks. Like I'd message him and I wouldn't get a response, or I'd call Val and she'd tell me that he didn't wanna talk to anyone. He was alright for about the first week, but then he shut himself off. Wasn't until Val actually called me first that I knew something was wrong."

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