Chapter 69

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Chapter 69:

"Ashley! Hey man!"

Jinxx was straight over to me as I came through the door. Brian as usual, was right behind me, shutting the door once he was inside. Jinxx pulled me into a hug to which I returned one.

I'd made sure to call ahead with him just in case he was busy or this band he had that needed help weren't available today. Luckily, Jinxx was here and the band were gonna be here in about an hour or so too.

Jinxx let me go and looked to Brian who gave him a brief smile.

"Hey," Jinxx greeted, Brian giving him a nod in return. "Good to see you."

"Likewise," Brian said. He put his hands in his pockets and looked around the front room that we were in. "Nice place."

"Thanks," Jinxx said in response. He looked between the two of us as Brian looked back to him. "Jake's not here yet, so you're stuck with me until someone else shows up. How's everything?"

"It's good," I said as Jinxx led the two of us into the next room over which happened to be a lounge. "What about you? How's everything on your end of things?"

"Yeah man, they're good too," Jinxx said as he took a seat, indicating for us to do the same. Brian and I both sat down on the closest sofa, Brian once again checking the room out. "Been busy the last few weeks. It's good though; very good."

I gave a nod and we fell silent for a few minutes before Brian spoke.

"So anyway," he said, both Jinxx and I looking to him. "On the subject of things, this band that's coming in today, what're they like?"

Jinxx shifted as he answered.

"They're a good bunch of guys; they'll be starting their fourth album come late March, early April," he began, Brian nodding; he clearly wanted to know about this band seeing as I hadn't asked. He knew what he was doing in this line of work, even though he wasn't the one that was going to be helping them out. "There're four of them; their bassist included. He can't do the recording stuff due to something, but I'll let them talk to you about that Ashley."

I gave a nod, Jinxx nodding back and continuing on.

"Jake and I've worked with them for a while," he said, shifting his position again. "Like I said, good bunch of guys and dedicated to what they're doing. They're easy to work with, so you shouldn't have to worry about any issues with them."

I gave a nod, Brian linking his fingers together as he readjusted how he was sitting.

"What time're they coming down?" he asked, Jinxx and I looking to him.

"Well it's just after eleven now, so about an hour, maybe an hour and a half," Jinxx said, looking at the time on his phone. "They had some stuff to do this morning so they said they wouldn't be able to get here before about midday anyway."

Brian just gave a nod in return, not having any more to say.

"Guess we just hang out and wait then," I said.

"How 'bout I show you two around this place?" Jinxx suggested, Brian nodding at the idea. "Show you what's where since you haven't been here before. Also Ashley, I'll give your captain's hat back if you want it."


Brian looked up from his phone as the door opened, someone coming in, shutting the door after themselves. Jinxx moved from where he'd been sitting with us, Jake having sown up about forty minutes ago; he was busy working on something.

Jinxx left the room, going to the front room and talking to whoever had just come through the door. Brian looked to me, making me return the look.

"You good?" he asked, making me frown.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now