Chapter 37

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Chapter 37:

-6 Years Later- Present -

Ashley's Point of View:

"Do I really have to stay here; why can't I come out with you and Syn?"

I sighed, looking at the time; it was nearly quarter-past three and Matt wasn't here yet. I needed to get going but I wasn't about to leave until he was here.

"Corey, look," I said, putting my phone away and looking to him. "I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I'm sure you have school work to do and I'm not about to let you fall behind on it."

"I'll do it all without any complaints if you let me come along with you," Corey begged, making me sigh again. "Please Ashley; please let me come along."

"Why do you wanna come along? We're just looking at basses."

"I wanna look too."

"Alright, fine," I said in defeat as there was a knock on the door; I was seriously hoping that it was Matt. "As long as you do all your school work when we get back if it's not too late; otherwise you're doing it all in my office tomorrow."

Corey gave an eager nod as I opened the door. Matt looked back at me.

"Didn't think you were coming," I said as I stepped aside and let him in.

"Sorry; I lost track of time," Matt apologised as I shut the door. "But I'm here now, so you're free to go for a couple hours. I won't be leaving this house until you're back safe and sound."

I gave him an unamused smile before looking to Corey.

"Just give me a second to let Juliet know we're heading out."

Corey nodded and I headed out of the living room, going down the hallway to the bedroom. The door was half open, so I gave a slight knock before going in, not wanting to disturb Juliet if she was busy with something. She didn't even look over as I came in; her back was to the door and she was sitting on the bed, looking at something.

"Hey, just coming to let you know I'm about to head out," I said, Juliet still not responding.

I went into the room properly, going over and sitting down next to her on the bed; she was looking at the stuffed bear.

"Y'know, Andy never was very good with naming things," she said, her gaze never leaving the bear. "He never named this bear."

"Does he need a name?" I asked.

Juliet nodded. "Yes."

"Well, how about you name him while I'm out this afternoon," I suggested, making Juliet shrug. "C'mon, he needs a name and you're pretty good at naming things, right?"

Juliet gave a bit of a nod, making me nod back.

"I'll try and think of something before you get back," she said.

"Good to hear. Alright, well I'm gonna head out for a few hours; you know what to do if anything happens and I'll come straight home, ok? I'll see you in a few hours when I get back."

Juliet gave a nod, still not saying anything. I got up from where I was sitting, going out of the room and into the living room. Corey looked over from where he was sitting next to Matt on the sofa, Matt occupied by his phone.

"Alright Corey, let's go," I said, Corey getting to his feet as Matt looked up. I looked to Matt. "Juliet's down in the bedroom at the moment but she'll probably come down here in a bit."

He gave a nod. "No worries; if anything happens I'll call."

I nodded back, looking to Corey as I made sure I had everything. I headed over to the front door, opening it and allowing Corey to leave first. I looked back at Matt for a few seconds before I followed.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now