Chapter 21

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Chapter 21:

Ashley's Point of View:

"Y'know Michelle, if I wasn't already dating you, I'd totally be asking you out right now because you are fucking hot."

Michelle shook her head as Brian nodded confidently.

"Alright Brian, I think you've had enough for the night," she said as Matt and I both just watched on, Matt shaking his head; he hadn't had as much as I'd thought he would. "It's getting late anyway; we should get going."

"Now that's where you're wrong," Brian said as Vic shifted in his seat next to me. "Alright, how about one more and we'll go?"

Michelle rolled her eyes. "Whatever; you know where I'll be when you finally give in."

"See, this' why I love you."

Michelle just shook her head and joined us at the table as Brian went over to the bar to get himself another drink, joining Mike and Zacky who were already over there.

"Sometimes I dunno why I bother with him sometimes," Michelle sighed as she sat down next to Vic. "He'll probably just pass out when we get back."

Matt gave a shrug. "Maybe you need to get some more alcohol and join him."

Michelle gave him an unamused look, causing him to shrug.

"Someone has to make sure he gets home."

"I should probably get Mike and head out," Vic sighed. "It's getting late."

"It's Friday," Matt said. "C'mon Fuentes, stop being so classy and have something to drink; I'm not letting you go until you do."

"Matt, I don't feel like it," Vic said seriously, making him roll his eyes. "Not everyone likes to drink as much as you boys do."

"And here I was, thinking that Ashley was the one that needed to lighten the fuck up," Matt said back with a shake of his head. "I'll pay for you and Mike to get a cab home if you just have a drink or two; I'll pay for it."

Vic looked at him and I could see him thinking.

"Alright, fine," he said in defeat, Matt nodding in satisfaction. "But you're paying for my ride home and I'm only having one drink."

Matt gave a confident nod.

"One drink it is."


"C'mon Vic, you can go one more!" Mike urged as we all watched Vic down another shot.

Him and Matt were currently trying to outdrink each other, and so far Matt was winning. It didn't surprise me though, as I was sure Matt had a higher tolerance than Vic; also the fact that Matt could most likely handle his alcohol a lot better, as Vic didn't seem to go out to drink much.

Whoever lost this was paying for the ride home.

Matt had somehow managed to convince Vic into it after he'd drunk half of the first drink he'd gotten; I still wasn't sure how he'd managed to get Vic into this, but here they were, downing shots like there was no tomorrow.

"C'mon, he's out in front by like, four Vic!" Mike exclaimed, gesturing to the empty shot glasses on the table. "What're you doing man?"

Vic didn't bother trying to respond, downing another shot instead; he was looking like he wasn't going to be able to have much more, as he was starting to look like he was going to be sick if he had much more. Matt on the other hand, looked like he could keep going for a while yet.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now