Chapter 61

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Chapter 61:

"I think I've forgotten how to sign my name," Matt suddenly said as we stood around at the venue later on that afternoon.

We didn't have to perform tonight as we had the complete day off, but we needed to make sure that we had a decent idea of the layout in case something happened. Matt was just being paranoid.

"Why're you thinking about that right now?" Vic asked from where he was standing with us, Matt looking at the floor blankly.

"Because we have a signing in about an hour and a half," Matt said. He looked up and looked between me and Vic. "I can't for the life picture how I sign my name."

I shook my head.

"Do you mean like, your stage name, or your real name?" Vic asked, trying to figure it out.

That made Matt think.

"Stage name," was his answer. "The one I need."

I shook my head again, not saying anything as Vic looked at him with no amusement.

"You've been using that name for six years in the industry and you suddenly don't know how to sign it," he stated, arms crossed. "I'm sure when you have to sign stuff in an hour and a half it'll come back to you."

Matt shrugged, watching someone as they walked past.

"It's just the stress," he said, looking back to us. "Making me forget what I need to know; it'll come back to me in a bit."

I looked to Matt as he shifted his position, back to watching people moving around.

"So am I needed at this singing or am I free to do my own shit?" I asked, needing to confirm and making Matt look to me.

I watched him thinking; that was already a clear no. If he'd needed me there then he would've said so straight off, but the fact that he had to stop and think about it gave me a good indication of what the answer was.

"You can if you want; not gonna say no," he said with a shrug. "You're not technically needed but if you wanna come along and see how things work then be my guest. I don't mind and I'm sure the others won't mind either. You're part of the stage performance so you're allowed wherever we go."

I gave a bit of a nod, trying to decide what I wanted to do.

"I guess I'll come along and see how it all works," I said with a bit of a shrug, Matt giving a satisfied nod. "May as well; I'd only be sitting in the hotel room otherwise."

"Alright, well just tag along with us when we go in a bit to get everything set up; probably people lining up at the moment," Matt said, followed by a sigh. He ran his hands down his face; he looked tired. "It's only day two and I'm already fucked."

"The lifestyle of a rockstar," we heard, seeing Brian walking over to us. He halted with us; he too looked wrecked. "Everything should be fine for tomorrow; was just gonna do one more round and then we'll head out?"

Matt gave a nod, Brian nodding in return before turning and leaving again; I didn't know how these guys were so organised all the time, but I guessed that it was because they'd been doing this for over five years now, so they had a good idea of what they needed done. They were a smart bunch of guys.

Matt looked to me and Vic.

"By the way kids, we're going out to dinner tonight so be ready by about six-thirty," he said, Vic looking at him with that unamused expression still on his face. Matt looked directly at me. "Brian knows where we're going, so he'll guide you over there. Also, we take a few pictures where we go for social media purposes. Also because if we don't, we get in trouble from the girlfriends."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now