Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

"Well I think that went well today," I said as Juliet sat down on the edge of the bed as I tried to get some more work done; this was slowly killing me on the inside and I needed to get it done before Monday so I wouldn't be loaded with work before I left to help Matt. "Your mom was happy about it."

"She wasn't ever gonna be happy until she had a grandchild to spoil," Juliet said with a bit of a laugh, making me laugh as well. "How about you finish up there; it's getting late."

"It's only eleven," I said with a shrug, Juliet switching the bedside lamp on, getting up and turning the other one on. "Not like we have anywhere to be tomorrow."

"I assume you'll be locked away in here working," Juliet stated as she opened the window a bit, letting some cool air in.

She shut the curtains, going back to sitting on the bed as Femme jumped up, joining her; Crow wasn't around at the moment, but he'd wander in later on.

"I've gotta get this stuff done," I sighed, feeling a bit tired; my head was starting to hurt again from last night. "Can't leave unfinished work before I leave for six weeks."

"Speaking of which," Juliet began, making me pause and look to her. "What're you doing about those songs? You've only got a week Ashley; I haven't heard you once since Matt gave you those chords. Your bass is still in on the shelf in the spare room; you haven't touched it."

I sighed. "Yeah I know."

"What'd your mom say to you today?" she asked. "You looked a bit upset when you came back outside after talking to her; she say something?"

"She doesn't want me helping Matt out," I said, a frown on Juliet's face. "She's worried that afterwards I'm gonna throw away my job and my life to chase some fucking stupid dream I had as a kid; she doesn't think I should do this, even more now that we're gonna have a kid."

"Ashley I don't want that to stop you from doing this," Juliet said seriously as I looked down. "She's just worried for no reason; you've committed to helping Matt and you'll have a job when you get back. You're not throwing anything away and honestly if you wanna continue on with music once you get back, I'm not gonna stop you. I'll be first in line to push you to do it because I know how much you miss being involved in it."

"It's just...different now Juliet," I said sadly, hearing a knock on the front door. "It's just...wrong."

Juliet got up from where she was sitting.

"We'll get back to this conversation once I see who's at the door," she said, another knock being heard. "Don't understand why people have to knock on the door at this time of night."

I gave a shrug, turning back to face my laptop, planning on finishing off this one thing I had to do and then go to bed; I could do more tomorrow.

"Who knows? I'll finish this and then we can both get some sleep."

Juliet gave a nod and left the room, the knock being heard for the third time. It was odd having people knocking on the door during the night, especially at eleven o'clock. It probably wasn't anything important, as it usually wasn't when it got late. Sometimes it was some drunk person getting the wrong house. We'd dealt with that more than once.

"Ashley!" I heard Juliet call, the urgency in her voice. "Can you come here please?"

I frowned; whatever was happening, it wasn't good.

I abandoned what I was doing on my laptop, leaving everything where it was and headed out of the room, going to the front door. Juliet looked back at me with a bit of concern on her face. I looked past her to see Corey standing in the doorway, tears running down his face.

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