Chapter 22

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Chapter 22:

The curtains were suddenly opened, the bright light streaming in and making me automatically bury my face in the pillow.

"Jesus Christ, what the hell?"

"It's one in the afternoon Ash; get up," I heard Juliet say with no amusement as I kept my face in the pillow. "You've got an hour before anyone shows up so get up and get ready."

I groaned; I'd completely forgotten about the whole 'having people over' thing today. I turned my head to the side, the opposite way to where the light was coming in. Damn it was bright as hell.

"Also," Juliet said, standing in the doorway with her arms crossed. "Can you explain to me why Mike's asleep on the sofa?"

I frowned.


Juliet sighed, looking at me with that unimpressed expression.

"Why's Mike here Ash?"

"If I knew, I'd tell you," I said seriously, shifting and sitting up now, the light making my head hurt. "Jesus Christ; why the hell did you open the curtains?"

"Because otherwise you would've been in here all damn day," Juliet said with annoyance. "Listen Ashley, I don't have a problem with you going out when Matt invites you, but for the love of God, don't get that fucked up again. I didn't really appreciate being woken up at four this morning. If you wanna get that wasted again, go stay with someone else for the night, please."

I just gave a nod, not really knowing what to say in return.

"Look, I don't wanna sound rude or anything," she said. "I just don't really think it's a good idea if you get wasted and then come back here at four in the morning, especially with everything that's going on at the moment. I have no issue with you going out but just please try to not get so wasted. Please."

I nodded again, this time in understanding; my head still hurt though.

"I understand, don't worry."

Juliet nodded back and I could see she felt a bit bad about having to say what she just said, but she knew I needed to hear it.

"You get a pass this time because it's the first time you've done it," she said, making me nod. "Just...please don't let Matt influence you too much, ok? I know he's a friend and all, but sometimes he doesn't understand when you don't wanna do something. Next time, please don't let him pressure you into anything, because sometimes you give in a bit too easily Ashley."

"Why do you think he'd be pressuring me into stuff?" I asked with a bit of a frown.

"Because I know what Matt's like and I know what you're like," Juliet said seriously. "I dated him and I've known him for a while. Just don't let him get his way every time, especially if you don't wanna do something."

I nodded, Juliet nodding back before leaving the room. I sighed, getting out of bed and wishing that my head would stop hurting. It was then that I remembered that Juliet had said that Mike was for some reason here; what the hell was he doing here?

I went over to the closet, getting a set of clean clothes and quickly changing; I'd have a shower once I knew what was going on and why Mike was here. By the sounds of it, he was still asleep somehow.

I went out into the living room, seeing Mike passed out on the sofa, Crow curled up with him on the edge. I shook my head, hearing Juliet in the kitchen.

"Mike," I said. When I got no response I raised my voice a slight bit more. "Mike."

Mike jerked awake, looking a bit confused as he rubbed his eyes and looked around.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now