Chapter 62

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Chapter 62:

"I'm honestly surprised that restaurants are able to accommodate this many people all at once for one table," I stated as I looked down to the other end of the table, though in reality there were more than one pushed together to allow all of us to be in the same place.

Brian shrugged from where he was on my left; I'd managed to get the end of the table, Matt seated at the head of the table up this end, as I'd predicted before coming over here.

"We always come here when we're in Boston," he said, looking at something on his phone like usual when he wasn't needed in conversation. "But they clearly change staff over and whatnot a lot as it's very rare that they remember us."

"At least they're able to fit all of us in here at once though," Mike said from where he was opposite me, making the two of us look to him. "Back home there're places that will make a fuss with holding eight people in a group."

I gave a bit of a nod as Matt's phone went off; it was sitting on the table in front of him like every other day.

"That's true," I said in response to what Mike had said, glancing at Matt as he grabbed his phone and got up from the table, disappearing outside to take the call. "Guess that places like this probably get larger groups more often."

Mike gave a shrug as Vic nudged him, getting his attention. Vic handed him his phone, indicating to something on it. Brian finally looked up at his phone upon seeing that Vic had handed the phone to his brother. The smile on Vic's face was enough to show that clearly something good had happened and that was why he was showing Mike.

"Care to share with the rest of the crew?" Brian asked, making the Fuentes brothers look at him; Brian was clearly curious now.

"Oh, it's nothing," Vic said, that grin still on his face as he waved a hand to dismiss it.

"Well it's clearly something or else you wouldn't be smiling like that," I input, Vic looking to me.

"Alright, ok then," Vic said as Mike handed him his phone back. "Just people online are actually asking when we're gonna release an album. Apparently a lot of good stuff has already gotten around since the show last night and now people have taken an interest in us. Nothing overly exciting."

"That's awesome!" I said, really happy to hear something positive for once. "Seriously guys, well done."

Vic grinned at me again, the smile still on Mike's face.

"That's great to hear," Brian said, Vic and Mike both looking to him now. "You boys seem to have a hell of a lot of luck with this shit. Took us quite a while to get to where we are now, so you lot are already ahead of where we were."

"Yeah but you guys are already ahead of us in everything in general," Mike said. "Also we probably wouldn't've gotten anything like that if we weren't currently opening the shows for you guys."

Brian gave a slight shrug, his phone lighting up, clearly getting a message or notification.

"True," he said, ignoring his phone for the mean time. "I mean, I guess we're responsible for your rising fame and all..."

Mike smiled in amusement, Brian returning one of his own before checking his phone, a frown crossing his face as he looked at whatever had come through moments before.

"We do actually owe a lot to you guys though," Mike said. "In all seriousness, we'd still all be in dead-end jobs if Matt hadn't agreed to this."

"I'll be right back," Brian said, focus still on the phone, the frown still on his face. "Gonna step outside for a smoke real quick; Ashley, if they decide to ask about dessert, order something for me. I don't care what it is."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now