Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Matt pushed himself off the wall as I stepped outside; he looked me over, arms still across his chest like every other day I saw him.

I took the time to look him over as well; he hadn't changed much since I'd seen him last.

He still wore the lip ring on the right side and the snapback which was currently backwards like most days; he still dressed the same and held and presented himself the same. The main thing that'd changed though, was the amount of tattoos he now had; it looked like he was working on getting both of his arms sleeved and was about halfway with both his left and his right.

"You haven't changed much," Matt said, looking at my face now.

"You can talk."

He smiled briefly; the smile disappeared rather quickly though. He switched his gaze down to the ground as he addressed me.

"Look Ashley, I wanna start by apologising," he began, looking back to me. "I'm real sorry I haven't been there and I'm sorry I wasn't there last week."

"Matt," I sighed, seeing the sadness in his eyes. "You don't need to apologise; I know you're busy."

"That's no excuse," Matt said with a shake of his head. "I don't give a fuck where I am next year; I'll be here no matter what, even if I'm overseas and have to get a flight back here, I'll fuckin' show up."

"Matt, I don't wantcha missing dates and deadlines just for once a year."

"And it's exactly that; once a year," he said. "I'll schedule around it and I promise that nothing's gonna stop me from making it back here for that day."

I just nodded this time, knowing it was best not to argue back with him; once Matt had his mind set on something, nothing and no amount of persuading would change his mind.

"Something I've gotta ask you; reason I stopped by," Matt continued, someone glancing at us as they went past. "You still play bass?"

I frowned, wondering where he was going with this.

"I dunno," I said truthfully, Matt just staring me down. "I haven't really had the chance lately; haven't really touched it since Juliet and I got the house two years ago."

Matt nodded; I could see him thinking. I just crossed my arms as I waited for what he had to say.

"You still know how to play though, right?"

I nodded, Matt nodding again as he continued to think; I knew he already knew what he was gonna ask me. He didn't just show up unprepared.

"Alright then; got a proposition for you."

I frowned, shifting my weight. "What kinda proposition?"

"A business proposition," Matt said, a bit of a smile on his face now. "I need a bassist for the next leg of the tour; six weeks minimum. Jimmy kinda broke Johnny's hand on the way back because they were fucking around with something, so he can't play for a few weeks; you're my first and only choice, so if you can't then we're gonna have to cancel it."

I sighed. "Look Matt, that's a great offer and all, but I dunno if I can; I'd love to help you out more than anything, but I can't just stand up and leave my job for a minimum of six weeks. I can't leave Juliet right now."

"Juliet'll be fine; she'll handle herself," Matt said with a wave of his hand. "Look, just think it over, ok? I'm kinda counting on you Ashley; I don't know anyone else who'll wanna help me out here. I don't wanna have to cancel this tour; I don't trust anyone else to not fuck it up for us."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now