Chapter 55

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Chapter 55:

"Do you ever wonder what would've happened if Matt had said no to Vic?" I asked, glancing at Jinxx as we both stood off to the side of the stage, watching the current set; Vic seemed to be really enjoying it, and so did the crowd.

"He would've found another way to break in," Jinxx said, making me nod as I shifted, my arms still crossed. He looked to me. "By the way, you talked to Ronnie much since he's been here?"

I shook my head, my focus fully on the performance in front of us.

"Haven't had the chance; why?"

Jinxx shrugged.

"Just wondering," he said. "Did you know that he has a band photographer?"

I frowned, looking to him this time. "What's that got to do with anything? There're always photographers at shows."

"Yes, but have you seen the person that Ronnie's got for every show?" he said, the frown remaining on my face. "Surely you've seen the posts online? Who the credit goes to when they post something that their photographer took?"

I shook my head.

"I haven't really been keeping track online with anyone over the past few weeks; a month or so maybe."

Jinxx gave me a bit of a smile, having to move in a bit closer so that I could hear him. The crowd was rather loud and were luckily still appreciating the current set; they didn't have much time left for their set either.

"It's Sandra," Jinxx said, my expression turning surprised.

"No fuckin' way."

Jinxx nodded. "Yep; looks like she's been around this whole time and we didn't even know."

A slight smile appeared on my face.

"You ah, you think her and Ronnie might be...y'know..."

Someone appeared next to me. We were luckily out of sight of the audience but still able to see the stage.

"Sandra and I aren't 'y'know-ing'," Ronnie said, hands behind his back as he watched Vic, glancing over at Mike up at his drumset. "She was still rather...attached to me, so I put her to use. She does what I ask and she's got quite a good eye for photography, so that's her job. Unfortunately we have to do the right thing and give her a bit of pay, but she's pretty cheap nonetheless."

I shook my head, Ronnie ignoring it and continuing to watch the end of the set.

"You come to watch the end of their set?" Jinxx asked, getting a glance from Ronnie.

"Sure," he said. "I've got like, fifteen minutes in between theirs and mine, so I thought I'd come and see how good ol' Victor goes about it. Not that I need any tips on what to do; Vic's got less experience than I do. If anything I should be the one teaching him."

"You really haven't changed much at all since we saw you like, nearly three years ago," I stated, finally getting him to look at me.

"Well, I have, just not in ways you notice," he said.

"That mean you've beaten that addiction of yours?" I asked straight out, Jinxx giving me quite a hard hit on the arm; I ignored it.

"Does anyone truly ever beat an addiction Ashley?" Ronnie asked, hands still behind his back as he went back to watching Vic; he had a bit of interest on his face. "But I'm currently sober in the drugs department; have been for about a year and a half if that answers your question. Alcohol on the other hand, is a different matter."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now