Chapter 43

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Chapter 43:

Juliet looked to me, signalling for me to come over to where she was in the hallway. I was currently waiting for Brian to show up, as it was Thursday and he'd said he would be here tonight to continue on with what we had to do; we were nearly finished up with it all but we still had a few left.

I got up from where I'd been in the living room, Corey glancing at me as I left to join Juliet in the hallway. I stopped in front of her, wondering what she'd called me over for.

"So, I just got a call," she said, her voice down and making me frown. "They've finally managed to track down a relative of Corey and Stef; they've contacted their uncle."

"Jesus, about time; it's been nearly a whole week," I said, Juliet nodding. I shifted and leant against the wall. "So what now? What do we need to do?"

"He's apparently flying down from New York tomorrow," she said, making me nod slowly. "So we'll probably be getting a knock on the door sometime tomorrow, most likely once Corey and Stef are back here from school."

I nodded again.

"Ok, well at least it's all getting sorted out," I said. "I assume this means they're gonna be moving over to New York very soon."

"From the sounds of it, yeah."

I nodded, sighing a bit. "Alright, well I'll go let them know."

Juliet gave me a bit of a smile as I left the hallway and went back into the living room. I came to a halt, looking between Corey and Stef who looked at me, seeing I had something to say.

"So," I began. "Juliet said she just got a call and your uncle is coming down from New York tomorrow."

Corey's expression fell; Stef didn't seem to be too worried about it.

"Does that mean we have to leave here?" Corey asked, making me look to him. "Mean we have to go to New York?"

I gave a shrug.

"Honestly Corey, I don't know but that's what will most likely happen," I said, Corey's expression saddening. "There's nothing I can do; your uncle is the best chance you guys have right now."

"It won't be bad Corey," Stef spoke up, both of us looking to her. "Uncle Jethro is pretty cool; it won't be bad living with him."

"I know; I like him and all, but I also like it here," Corey said as there was a knock on the door; it was probably Brian. "Also means that if he's coming tomorrow then we probably won't be able to do the concert on Tuesday..."

"Just talk to him and you guys can figure something out," I said as I went over to the front door. "It's not the end of the world just yet."

Corey seemed unconvinced but didn't say anything else as I opened the door, Brian giving me a smile from the other side.

"Ready to get this shit done?"


"Brian, I was wondering if you'd be able to tell me something?"

Brian glanced at me as he continued to play his guitar.

"Well Ashley, I can tell you a lot of things; it just depends on what certain thing you'd like to know."

I watched him for a few seconds before I decided to go ahead and ask him; I'd already set myself up for the question, so there was no turning back now.

"Did something happen to Matt when he was gone after Andy died?" I asked, watching as Brian stopped in his tracks and looked up to meet my gaze.

His expression had fallen, giving me the impression that I was still right.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now