Chapter 67

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Chapter 67:

"Hey guys," Matt greeted as we walked over. "Wondering where you guys got to."

"Was just making sure we had everything," Brian said as he gave Matt a quick hug of greeting. "Anyway, I'm gonna go put my stuff backstage; I'll be back in a minute or two."

He looked to me, indicating for me to give him what I'd brought with me; I handed it over and he headed backstage. I looked to Matt who was watching everyone move about, hands on hips as he observed.

"You get much sleep last night, or well, this morning?" I asked, Matt looking to me.

"Yeah man; sure did," he lied; I could tell straight off. "Eleven 'til seven man."

"So in other words you didn't go to bed until four."

"Yeah I went to bed at four..."

"How do you do it?" I asked, making Matt shrug, back to observing. "You still have to get through the remainder of the day and then get up early for the flight tomorrow morning."

"I won't go to bed after the show; I'll stay up so I don't miss the flight," Matt said, shifting and crossing his arms, not looking at me. "Once I make sure that everything's good here then I'm gonna go backstage and crash for an hour or so. I'll be in and out until the show, so talk to Brian if you need anything."

He gave me a smile before walking off, making me shake my head as I heard my phone going off. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket, looking at why it was going off; the name said that it was Jinxx and he was trying to connect via video call.

It wasn't unusual.

I accepted the call, Jinxx appearing on the screen seconds later.

"Captain Jeremy Ferguson at your service," he greeted, tipping his hat to me.

I looked at him in surprise. "That's my captain's hat! The fuck did you find it?"

Jinxx shrugged, readjusting it and making me smile; I hadn't seen that in years.

"Found it with my stuff when I was looking for something else today," he said. "I think it looks better on me anyway."

"I haven't seen that in years; dunno how it ended up with your stuff," I said, Jinxx shrugging again. "I want it back; it's mine."

"You're gonna have to come and get it from me," Jinxx said, tipping it slightly so that it sat askew. "Gonna have to fight me for it. You know how hard it is to find these kinds of hats?"

"I do," I said. "Which is why I want it back; when I'm down there in a few weeks I'm taking it back from you."

Jinxx smiled at me, making me smile back.

"You seem happier today," he noted.

"I'm feeling kinda good for the first time in a long time," I admitted, moving out of the way of a few people; I saw Vic over the other side of the stage talking to Mike about something. "Actually starting to feel like myself again."

"That's good to hear. How's everything gone so far? I know this' only the second show, but you glad you decided to do it?"

"Honestly Jinxx, I would've regretted it if I didn't," I said, Jinxx nodding in agreement. "Also, I've been thinking and would like to take you up on that offer; if this band still needs someone for recording then I'd love to do it."

A surprised look crossed Jinxx's face.

"Well shit; yeah man of course the offer's still there!" he said, making me smile; it was all starting to go right. "Shit, yeah I'll give them a call as soon as we stop talking."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now