Chapter 63

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Chapter 63:

"I still don't see how this' fun," I said, watching what Brian was doing.

"Believe me Ashley, it's ten times more fun when Matt gets here," Brian said in response. "Because then we get to watch as he shows us all up by lifting three times as much as we can. He takes his gym work rather seriously."

"Hadn't noticed," I commented sarcastically as Brian's phone went off; it never ended with him and it made me wonder who he even talked to that much.

Maybe it was his girlfriend.

I just watched as he grabbed his phone to see who was calling; he rejected the call and turned his attention back to whatever he'd been doing. Alright, so maybe it wasn't his girlfriend this time.

I'd been standing around for the past forty minutes, maybe even nearly an hour by now, just trailing along behind Brian as he went about doing whatever the hell he did when he was in the gym. I knew he was more or less waiting for Matt to show up and he'd given up on trying to get me to do anything, as every time he'd offered to show me what to do, I'd declined his offer.

As I'd stated earlier on, this wasn't my kind of fun.

"So," I said, back to watching Brian. "How'd you meet Michelle?"

"We've known each other for a while," Brian said, focus solely on what he was doing. "We met through Jimmy who'd met Val when he was down in LA visiting family. That's how Matt met Val too actually; all through Jimmy."

"How long've you guys been dating?" was my next question; I had to keep talking about something so that I didn't lose my mind from boredom.

"We're going on three years come February," was the response I got.

"Didn't you used to date Matt's sister?"

"Yeah," Brian said, glancing at me. "That didn't last for overly long; I think she's still kinda mad at me for finally breaking it off with her."

"What happened?" I asked, curious now as Brian checked his phone, clearly having yet another message.

"I dunno," Brian sighed, phone down now. "When Matt left after everything happened she sorta got real weird in the way of not really wanting to talk to me or any of us that were his friends. She kept kinda dismissing everything and not wanting to do anything so I said fuck it and broke up with her. I hate saying it but I kinda think I'm worth more than that. If my supposed girlfriend was gonna cut me off and pretend that I didn't exist then I think I had a right to end the relationship."

I smiled a bit, Brian giving me a smile back.

"In all honesty I'm a lot happier with Michelle," he continued. "She at least treats me like I'm worth something and not like I'm a fucking burden. It's always nice to have someone like Michelle to look forward to seeing when you get home after tours like this. Just miss her a lot when I'm not there."

I gave an understanding nod, seeing that Brian was thinking as he stared at the wall opposite him. He shook his head, back in reality.

"Anyway, enough of that," he said, ignoring his phone as it went off. He looked to me. "I wantcha to actually do something; you've been standing there for nearly an hour while I do everything, so getcha self into gear and let's get going with something."

"I'm happy just watching," I insisted, Brian shaking his head again. "Seriously Brian, I don't wanna do anything. I don't find this kinda thing fun as I've already stated."

"Only because you don't know whatcha doing," Brian said, crossing his arms as his phone lit up again. I watched as he looked past me, clearly seeing someone heading over. "Now we can have fun; life of the party's just arrived."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now