Chapter 52

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Chapter 52:

Brian glanced at the two of us as we went past, Ronnie jumping down off the stage without a seconds hesitation; I followed, not jumping down as quickly or recklessly as he had.

I saw Brian shake his head but dismiss it as we left the hall, hoping Matt was still down the front. Ronnie didn't glance at me or anything as he descended the stairs, me a step behind. Sure enough, Matt was there and he looked over as we joined him.

"You called?" Ronnie said as he crossed his arms.

Matt nodded, going to say something, but getting interrupted as his guy finally came back, opening the door and coming in, someone following him. Matt narrowed his eyes as he looked at who was with the guy as the door shut, his guy locking it.

"Well, you're certainly the last person I expected to see," Matt said, crossing his arms as his guy went back up the stairs, seeing we had this handled. "Hans, where's your boyfriend?"

Hans was definitely the last person I'd certainly expected to see; looked like Matt hadn't been as prepared as he'd thought he was. At least it wasn't Eddie.

"He's around and he's not my boyfriend; don't know where he's gotten himself to at the current time," Hans said, mirroring Matt's position; Matt's expression remained very unamused. "Just thought I'd stop by to let you know he's still around somewhere; he was gonna come by himself but thought it best not to...just yet."

"Well, I'm disappointed," Matt said bitterly. "Was really hoping I'd be able to kick him outta the venue, but I guess you'll have to do; second best as usual Hans."

Hans gave him an unamused smile.

"Hilarious," he said, Matt's expression not changing. "Couldn't help but notice that you've got quite the security team today; expecting something to happen?"

"You tell me," Matt said.

Before Hans could say anything in return, we all heard someone coming down the stairs; it was Brian. Brian's expression fell as he saw Hans with us, and within moments of him seeing who it was, he was off the stairs and straight over, pushing Hans up against the wall forcefully. It caught everyone, including Matt, off guard.

'The fuck're you doing here?" Brian snapped, keeping a very forceful grip on Hans as he kept him against the wall. "I've already warned you once today, so what the hell do you think you're doing?"


"Matt, shut up," Brian said harshly, Matt holding his hands up in his defence, clearly not about to argue with Brian when he was like this. Brian looked at Hans. "If I see you around here again today, or tonight, no matter what fucking time it is, I'm calling the cops, got it? I am not having you or your fucking best friend fuck tonight up for us, that clear?"

Hans looked at him, the unamused expression still on his face. He didn't say anything, so Brian spoke again.

"You have no right being here; I'm gonna be making sure you guys aren't allowed in tonight, no matter what," he said, looking Hans over with a rather disapproving look. He looked back to his face. "You need to go and tell Eddie that he needs to back off or else he'll be locked up again, back where he fucking belongs."

"There'll be a lot of people here tonight Gates," Hans said, Brian's expression very unhappy. "You can't guarantee we won't be in here with everyone else."

"Oh, I can guarantee it," Brian said bitterly. He glanced over at Matt. "Open the door."

Mat did as asked without question, going past and opening the door; we could all hear the commotion outside the moment it was opened. Brian grabbed Hans very hard, dragging him over to the door and pretty well throwing him outside.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now