Chapter 42

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Chapter 42:

"Can I ask you something Matt?"

Matt looked to me as I placed one of Vic's boxes in the closet of the spare room; Corey must've been elsewhere because he wasn't in here at the current time.

"I guess so; depends on whatcha wanna know really," he said in response, handing me another of the boxes.

I took it from him, going about putting it with the other one. Vic was currently in the kitchen talking with Juliet about keeping his dog here; I'd already seen that Femme wasn't too keen on having a dog in the house. Crow on the other hand seemed intrigued and not at all threatened; he was interested in a new friend.

"I'm probably reading into it a bit," I began, a frown crossing Matt's face as he handed me another box. "But earlier on you said about everyone around here having secrets; I just wanted to know whatcha really meant."

"Meant nothing; just a statement."

I sighed, not taking the box from him.

"I know that's a lie; you're not very good at lying Matt."

"I used to be great at lying," Matt said, forcing me to take the box from him. "And now's no different; I'm not lying about anything and it was just a statement."

I shook my head, pushing the other boxes back into the closet to put the one I currently had in.

"If you were sorta implying about Juliet being suicidal after Andy died-."

"Wait, what?" Matt interrupted as I put the box on the shelf and looked to him. "What'd you just say?"

I sighed, turning to face him as Crow came into the room, meowing at the two of us before inspecting the few boxes left on the floor.

"I meant about keeping secrets; that was Juliet's biggest secret," I said sadly, Matt returning my look. "I just...I thought you knew, but I guess she never said anything to you and when you said about everyone around here having secrets, I kinda just assumed that's what you meant."

"Well Ashley, I didn't know and I didn't mean anything by what I said a few hours ago; it was seriously just a statement," Matt said, making me look down with a nod. "But it's true; I'm sure that everyone here has a secret since Andy died that they haven't told anyone."

I looked up and met his gaze as Crow decided to jump into one of the boxes on top of Vic's stuff, settling down.

"That include you?" I asked, seeing Matt's expression drop. "You got a secret you've never told anyone?"

He shifted uncomfortably, looking like he was hesitating a bit.

"Let's just get this shit done," he said, breaking my gaze and grabbing another box, shoving it at me.

I took it from him, watching him for a second or two before I put it up on the shelf with everything else.

"Y'know Matt," I said, Matt picking up one of the final two boxes, the one without Crow in it. "Even now, you've never said anything about where you disappeared to after Andy died."

"Why's it such a big deal to you guys?" he asked, handing me the box all the while avoiding my gaze. "It was six years ago; who even fucking cares anymore?"

"Juliet does; I wanna know," I said, putting the box away and watching as Matt grabbed Crow and put him on the floor before picking the box up. "You've just been so quiet about it and that's what makes me think maybe something happened when you were gone that you're keeping a secret; something happened and that's your secret."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now