Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

-6 Years Prior-

Mike's Point of View:

"Mike!" Vic called urgently from his room. "Mike, we need to go!"

I frowned, getting out of my chair and going over to the door of my room, opening it and looking out. Vic narrowly missed me in his rush, the panic clear.

"Vic, what's going on?" I called, hearing him running down the stairs.

"It's Andy! We need to go!" Vic shouted back, the front door slamming shut moments later.

Not needing to be told twice, I grabbed my jacket and dashed out of my room, Vic's dog Scamp watching from Vic's bedroom doorway. I ran down the stairs and outside; I'd never seen my brother move so quick in his entire life.

He was already at the end of the street as I shut the door, picking up my pace and sprinting after him, really worried about what was actually going on. All Vic had said was that it was something to do with Andy, and if he was in this much of a rush then there was no way it was going to be good.

Vic kept the pace up the entire way, me lagging behind. He finally slowed down as we approached the correct street, allowing me to catch up; in the dark it was easier to see what was really happening.

The street was lit up with blue and red lights, some from the ambulance and some from the police cars that had accompanied it.

"Jesus Christ," was all I had time to say before Vic once again took off down the street, me not far behind.

There were a few people from the surrounding houses that were keeping back and Vic pushed past a few that were closer.

"Ashley!" Vic called, seeing Ashley sitting outside Andy's front door which was wide open, his expression a mix between shock and disbelief.

Ashley didn't even move as Vic carelessly pushed past one of the cops that had been keeping people out of the way, the cop giving both of us a dirty look. Vic crouched down in front of Ashley who didn't move; he was in serious shock and we could both see him shaking uncontrollably.

"Ashley?" Vic tried again, his voice a lot softer this time. "What's happened?"

I was pretty sure that both of us had a good idea of what had happened. Ashley finally looked up at Vic, clearly having already been crying before we'd arrived. He didn't have to say a word, as the look on his face was enough for both of us to know what was going on.

Vic pulled him into a hug as he broke down, unable to control it any longer. I looked around at the scene in front of me, unable to see any sign of Andy's parents; by the looks of it, they didn't know. Either that or they were on their way.

"He's still upstairs," I heard, looking back to Vic and Ashley; Ashley had been the one to speak, though it was very hard for him to say anything. "He was gone before I even got here; I shouldn't've let him go home. This' all my fault."

"Ashley, this isn't your fault," Vic reassured as a car came to a very quick stop, forcing a few people out of the way. "Jesus Ash, please don't blame yourself. This isn't your fault; it's not."

"I was two houses down and I didn't even know!"

Vic kept a hold of him as he continued to break down and I saw someone push their way past a few people and into the area; it was Andy's parents. One of the cops tried to stop his mom from getting any closer, but she pushed against him.

"Ma'am, you need to step back."

"Don't you dare tell me to step back!" she shouted at him, her husband backing her up. "Where is he? Where the hell is my son? Where's Andy?"

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now