Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

-6 Years Later- Present -

Ashley's Point of View:

"So I assume you're still doing the presentation tomorrow," I said, Lauren placing her phone face down on the table where she was sitting opposite me. "I didn't hear back from you so I just assume my boss got in touch with you like he said he would."

Lauren gave a nod. It was getting late and Mr. Biersack was already in bed, Dani having been made to go to bed a while ago. Mrs. Biersack had grabbed the drawing for me, leaving it on the kitchen table with me and Lauren; she was currently in the living room, watching something while Lauren and I talked.

"Yeah I'll be there," Lauren said in response to my question. "It's gonna be at about eleven; there should be a notice that goes around tomorrow from what I was told."

I gave a nod before checking the time on my phone; it was nearly ten.

"Alright, well I should go see if I can find what I'm after up in Andy's room and then head out," I sighed, wanting to go upstairs and find what I was after but also not wanting to at the same time. "Juliet's probably already asleep by now."

"How's she doing?" Lauren asked; we hadn't really talked about Juliet tonight.

I shrugged.

"She's ok," I said, Lauren nodding. "Y'know it gets hard for a bit around this time of year; she's coping though which is good. She'll be feeling better by next week I hope; I think having Matt stop by and call has helped her a bit. Gives her someone to talk to that she hasn't seen in a while."

Lauren nodded again.

"What about you Ash?" she asked. 'How're you doing?"

"I'm fine," I said, feeling a bit tired. "Dealing with everything still; gonna be like that for a long time I think. Doesn't feel like it's been six years."

"Time does pass by quickly some days," Lauren agreed. "Anyway, I should let you be on your way. I should be heading out as well."

"Where're you staying? You can always come stay with me and Juliet if you need to; no need to be a stranger Lauren."

She gave me a grateful smile.

"I'll take you up on that offer next time I'm in town; I'm just over at one of the hotels while I'm here since I won't be here for too long."

"How long're you here for?"

"Until Sunday," she said, making me nod. "I'll stop by your place on Saturday maybe?"

"Sounds like a good idea; just give me a call and I'll make sure we're home," I said in response. "Never know what might happen between now and Saturday; might see if Mr. and Mrs. Biersack would like to come as well and make it more of a family get together. Get a few people together anyway."

Lauren nodded, grabbing her phone off the table and standing up; I followed suit.

"Alright Ashley, let me know what we're doing and I'll show up when I need to," she said, making me smile in amusement. "I'll leave you to it; I'll see you tomorrow sometime."

I nodded, Lauren moving around the table and giving me a hug. I returned the hug.

"It's good seeing you again," I said, Lauren moving back and letting me go.


I smiled, Lauren smiling back before heading out to the living room. I followed, planning on letting Mrs. Biersack know that I would be heading out shortly as well.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now