Chapter 18

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Chapter 18:

"Ashley, you in?"

I looked up from what I'd been typing up, seeing Matt looking in; Corey looked over and a smile lit up his face like every other time he saw Matt.

"Hey Matt; c'mon in," I said, saving what I'd been typing up and looking at the time and seeing that it was about ten minutes until eleven which meant I had to get down to the hall. "Y'caught me just in time."

"Somewhere to be?" Matt asked curiously, leaving the door ajar this time instead of closing it.

"Yeah; Lauren has her presentation on in ten minutes so I have to get down there," I said, closing the lid of my laptop and getting up from where I'd been sitting at my desk. "You're more than welcome to come watch if you have nothing else to do."

Matt gave an understanding nod.

"Well I'd love to stick around and watch a depressing presentation about people I knew," he said, making me roll my eyes as Corey frowned. "But I unfortunately can't today Ashley; I've gotta get some stuff done before tonight and then I've got a date with the bar."

I shook my head, getting an awkward shrug in return.

"What can I say Ash?" Matt continued. "I like my alcohol and it's Friday night; what better way to end the working week other than getting fucked up with your friends?"

"Wouldn't know what it's like going out on Friday nights to get fucked up; I have a girlfriend to go home to."

"Oh now that's harsh," Matt laughed, making me smile in amusement. "I have a girlfriend too, but she's coming out to get fucked up with us; I also know for a fact that Juliet isn't the one that holds you back on Friday nights."

"Unlike some people Matt, I have work that I need to get done on Fridays."

Matt scoffed. "Bullshit; take a damn night off and come join us."

"I'd love to but I have excuses to come up with for the next time you ask me to come out drinking," was my response, making Matt roll his eyes.

"You're a buzzkill nowadays Ashley, y'know that?" he said seriously, making me shake my head as Corey grabbed his bag, knowing he had to get down to the hall as well for the mandatory presentation. "Lighten the fuck up and come enjoy yourself for once. I'm being serious man; when was the last time you had a night out with people? The last time you really had a good time?"

"You know I have trouble keeping my spirits up at this time of year," I said, grabbing my keys off my desk. I indicated for him to head out of my office, needing to get going. "Walk and talk."

Matt shook his head and went out, Corey following him; I went out after them, locking the door and attaching my keys to my belt.

"I know this time of year fuckin' sucks," Matt said as we began walking down to the hall, a few people heading down there already, Corey trailing behind us. "But it's been about two weeks since the get together; you've gotta stop dwelling in your post annual misery and live a little. Come out with me tonight and have a bit of fun."

I sighed, running a hand through my hair as I realised I didn't really have much of a choice.

"Where're we going?" I said in defeat, a smile appearing on Matt's face.

"There y'go," he said, clapping me on the shoulder as the hall appeared, crowds of people going in. "There's the Ashley I know; we're gonna go down to one of the bars in the middle of town; the really good one. I'll swing by your place and come getcha at about eight; gives us a couple hours to get wasted and we'll get a taxi home so we don't die in an unfortunate car crash from drinking too much."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now