Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Corey's Point of View:

"Hey Corey," Stef said as she came in without knocking, shutting the door behind herself and making me look up from my phone.

"Hey Stef; you ever heard of this 'Pierce the Veil' band?" I asked as she joined me on my bed, sitting next to me up against the headboard.

"They're the ones touring with Avenged for this next half, right?" Stef said as she watched me look at their profile on Facebook.

I nodded. "Yeah; they've just updated their posters and whatnot with this band as their side act. I've never heard of them, so I hope they're good. They look kinda cool."

"They looked like they were a pretty new band from what I was looking at before," she said as I stopped what I was doing, locking my phone and looking to her; she had a stack of papers with her.

"What's with the paper?" I asked, indicating to it and making her look at it.

"Oh, that's what I came to talk to you about," she said, handing over the pages; there seemed to be a lot. "I happened to find it while I was helping my teacher out at lunch with organising a couple things; it's a report by some guy named Jack Barakat from about six or so years ago for some psychology class. Thought you might like to take a look at it."

"Why would I want to do that?" I asked, flicking through the pages but not paying any attention to all the words written on it.

"Because," Stef began, indicating to the pages. "It happens to include something on this Andy guy; thought it might interest you."

I frowned, looking at the bunch of pages for the report.

"Does it say anything about who he is?" I asked, making Stef shrug.

"I never actually looked through it," she admitted. "Just flicked through it and saw his name so I thought you'd like to take a look."

"Maybe we shouldn't," I said, feeling a bit unsure about it.


I shrugged. "I dunno; just don't know if it's really our business."

Stef rolled her eyes and got off the bed, going over to where my computer was; I watched as she switched it on and it started up.

"Well how about we do a bit of research ourselves and see who this guy was before we look at old reports," she suggested, logging herself on once it had started up; the password was only there so my parents couldn't use it; I was lucky to even have a computer.

I just sighed and came over, standing behind the chair as she typed the name into the search and we waited for it to come up with some result.

The first thing that came up was from a local newspaper; I watched as Stef clicked on it and we watched as it loaded; the internet wasn't very good here, which was why most times we waited until we were at school to look things up.

Stef and I both frowned as we looked at what the result was; we found ourselves in the obituaries of the newspaper, dated around this time six years ago. The name 'Andy Biersack' was under one of the pictures of a young man, probably no older than seventeen at the most, a short piece written underneath it.

'Andy sadly passed away two days ago due to unforeseen circumstances; he will be missed. Forever in our hearts.'

Stef leant back in the chair. "Well, I didn't expect that; wonder what happened..."

"But how come Ashley had his book?" I pushed, feeling bad about whatever had happened to Andy.

"Maybe they were friends; maybe they were related," Stef suggested, shutting down the webpage and then the computer. "There're multiple reasons Corey."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now