Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

-6 Years Prior-

Matt's Point of View:

"Matt! Juliet's here to see you!"

I was straight out of my chair and already halfway down the stairs by the time the front door had shut.

"Is everything ok?" I rushed, coming to a rather quick halt in front of Juliet. "Has something else happened?"

Juliet shook her head; it was starting to get late and I was wondering why she was here.

"Just really don't wanna be by myself tonight," she said in response, a few tears running down her face. "Ash isn't talking to anyone and I just didn't know where else to go Matt."

Without warning she just burst into tears, completely breaking down. I gently pulled her against me, Juliet burying her face in my chest.

"It's alright sweetheart; y'know you're always welcome here no matter what," I said quietly, gently rubbing her back to try and make her feel better and maybe calm her down a bit; I glanced over at the staircase as I saw Amy appear, probably wondering what was going on.

"I just want Andy," Juliet managed through the tears; the last time I'd seen her this upset was when Andy had broken up with her briefly.

"I know sweetheart," I said, resting my head against hers as she gripped my shirt tighter. "I just don't know whatcha want me to do."

"Please don't leave me too Matt."

"I'm not going anywhere sweetheart; I'm right here, ok?"


Vic's Point of View:

"I think we need to go and see Ashley," Mike said as I sat on the edge of my bed, Scamp lying next to me. "He's not picking up his phone; he's been silent all week."

"Ash needs time to himself; think it out," I said in return, Mike just watching me with that worry in his eyes. "It's only Wednesday Mike; it hasn't even been a full week yet. Hell, it's only been on the verge of three days."

"But what if something's happened and that's why he won't answer?" Mike continued to worry.

"He'll be fine," I tried, Mike shaking his head as he continued to convince himself otherwise.

"I'm gonna go see him."

I sighed, watching as Mike got up and disappeared out the door of my room, Scamp looking up upon the movement; that reminded me that I needed to take him for a walk after school tomorrow. I got up from where I was and followed Mike, halting in the doorway to his room.

"Mike, just slow down a sec," I tried once again, crossing my arms as I leant against the doorframe and watched him look for his jacket. "Ashley's not going anywhere, ok? Just stop and take a few minutes."

Mike just looked at me briefly before grabbing his phone off his desk and walking out past me, completely forgetting about his jacket.

I sighed again.

"Mike!" I called as I pushed off his doorframe, hearing him walking down the staircase; he had a head-start on me. I arrived at the top of the staircase as he reached the front door. "Michael Christopher Fuentes, you stop right there!"

Mike halted, stopping right where he was, halfway through the open door. I walked down the stairs and halted halfway across the room, arms crossed again.

"You listen when I'm talking to you," I said, the irritation clear. "Now Mike, are you gonna listen?"

Mike gave a shameful nod, his gaze down the entire time; I nodded back before continuing.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now